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“From generation to generation, the BOTT family worked hard to improve the quality of noble wines from Alsace.

“Freeter” is a word coined by the Japanese, the combination of “free” and “arbeiter” (the word means “worker” in German),in reference to those freelancing young people. “飞特族”是日本人把英语中“自由”和德语中的“工人”组合后发明的词,指那些从事自由职业的年轻人。
“Freud made the paradigm of self-knowledge the discovery of little idiosyncratic accidents rather than of an essence. 应作「弗洛伊德使得对于带着强烈个人色彩的种种偶然遇合的发现、而不是对某种本质的发现,成为自我知识的典范」。
“Friendship or aggression -----so what, do you want to pick a fight? 售货员:友谊,还是侵略---咋的,你想打架?
“From a financial point of view it is impossible to rebuild last year's side in only two months. “从财政上看,只有两个月去重建回去年的阵容是不可能的。
“From an early age I have abjured the eating of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men. 「我在年轻的时候便开始吃素,我相信有那么一天,所有的人类会以它们现在看待人类互相残杀的心态,来看待谋杀动物的行为。」
“From generation to generation, the BOTT family worked hard to improve the quality of noble wines from Alsace. “鲍特家族世世代代在努力提高产自阿尔萨斯的优质葡萄酒。”
“From next week I will certainly cheer on Parma and hope they stay up, but this weekend I cannot give any discounts. 帕尔玛即使有前切尔西主帅克劳迪奥.拉涅利到来,即时正在和降级搏斗。
“From next week I will certainly cheer on Parma and hope they stay up,but this weekend I cannot give any discounts. “下周开始我当然会为帕尔玛打气,希望他们不用降级,但这周我不能放水。
“From the start, I intend to go with you forever, you should understand.”The man answered indirectly. “从一开始我就是打算和你一直走下去的,你不会不明白。”男人间接的回答。
“From the very first chords, the new reality became manifest: full, polished and well worked sound the strings played as never before: the horns brilliantly; the percussion splendid; the woodwinds magisterial. 当第一个和弦响起之时,就能明显地发现,他们的音乐是一种完全的、精益求精的天籁之声:史无前例的弦乐、嘹亮辉宏的小号、令人叫绝的打击乐以及威风凛凛的木管。
“From this point of view, it is too early to accept the conclusions that the search for earthquake precusors has proved fruitless and earthquakes cannot be predicted1194,122. “从这样的观点来看,做出寻找地震前兆已证实为没有结果和地震无法预测的结论着实过早942。”

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