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They have been subjected to unjust treatment for too long.

They have been scheming to overthrow the government. 他们一直在策划推翻政府。
They have been seeking new methods to save energy. 他们一直在寻找节省能源的新招。
They have been shining noticeably close together in the western twilight for at least a week now. And they will remain close for the rest of this month. 在天空西部的暮色里,它们已经最少引人注目的靠在一起闪烁了一个礼拜。在这个月接下来的时间里,它们将会继续保持相互接近的方位。
They have been sitting in the attic for a year now. 它们已经在阁楼里摆了一年了。
They have been so obsessed with grades and marks that they have hardly had time to savor the life and grow as well-rounded people. 他们为分数所累,几乎没有时间品尝人生,并成长为一个全面发展的人。
They have been subjected to unjust treatment for too long. 他们长时间受着不公正的待遇。
They have been swift to deny these rumors. 他们对于否定这些谣言是迅速的。
They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years. 数年来,这些菜一直是感恩节中最传统和最受人们喜爱的食品。
They have been the victims of an accident. 他们是一场意外的受害者。
They have been to China for a week. 他们来中国有一个星期了,估计还会多些日子.
They have been to Hainan, haven't they ? 他们去过海南,是吗?

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