Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy.
太阳能是一种新型能源。 |
Solar energy lamp hasn't hidden safety trouble Solar energy lamp is ultra low voltage product with safe andreliable run,therefore,it hasn't the hidden safety trouble of public power lighting system caused by irregular power supply, conflict of water and p
太阳能灯没有安全隐患:太阳能灯是超低压产品,运行安全可靠,不存在市电照明系统由于供电不正常、水电气管道的冲突等方面带来诸多隐患。 |
Solar energy lawn lamp, solar energy warning lamp, Solar energy power supply system, Battery traffic warning lamp, Battery traffic warning lamp, and other solar energy products which are used for life.
目前主要开发销售太阳能交通信号灯、太阳能指示灯、电池交通警示灯、太阳能草坪灯、太阳能供电系统及其它民用太阳能产品。 |
Solar energy projects: PV power generation system projects, solar heating system projects and renewable energy products and application, designing drafts for solar projects.
风力发电及光伏发电互补系统:风力发电设备、海上风力发电设备、风光互补发电系统、小型水力发电技术与设备、地热能、生物质能开发与利用技术设备相关产品。 |
Solar energy`s one of advantage that it have not any pollute.
使用太阳能的优点之一是它不会产生任何污染. |
Solar modules are often installed in limited spaces, such as rooftops.
太阳能电池模组大多安装在空间有限的地方,如屋顶。 |
Solar ovens cook food at low temperatures over a long period of time.
太阳炉在很长一段时间低温烤食品。 |
Solar power and other waste heat can be used in the membrane distillation (MD) process, for which is more economical than other seawater and saline water desalination processes.
膜蒸馏海水和苦咸水淡化技术可充分利用太阳能、废热和余热等低品位热源,具有成本低、设备简单、操作容易、能耗低等优点,使膜蒸馏技术在诸多海水淡化工程中有一定的竞争力。 |
Solar radiation removes a wide range of organic chemicals and pathogenic organisms by direct exposure, is relatively inexpensive, and avoids generation of harmful by-products of chemically driven technologies (4).
日光直接照射可去除多种有机化学物质和致病微生物,它相对廉价,且不会像化学方法那样会产生有害的副产物。 |
Solar system is by receives the system which the gravitational pull restraint the heavenly body is composed, its most wide range approximately may extend to 1 light year outside.
太阳系是由受太阳引力约束的天体组成的系统,它的最大范围约可延伸到1光年以外。 |
Solar system's main member includes: Sun (star), nine planets (including Earth), innumerable planetoids, multitudinous satellite (including moon), but also has the comet, the meteor as well as the massive dust matter and the thin gaseous state matter.
太阳系的主要成员有:太阳(恒星)、九大行星(包括地球)、无数小行星、众多卫星(包括月亮),还有彗星、流星以及大量尘埃物质和稀薄的气态物质。 |