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The second, third, and fourth metatarsophalangeal joints are reached by a dorsolateral incision parallel to the corresponding extensor tendon (Fig. 1-25).

The second, a space that can be composed freely using moveable structures, is for welcoming conference participants and accompanying them to the various rooms in the center. 其次,由于采用了可以移动的结构体系,空间的组织很自由,这是为了迎接大会的与会者,以及引导他们进入这个中心的各个房间。
The second, and far more dangerous, source of legal plunder is thearrogant mentality of the social engineer. 第二个,要危险得多,合法掠来源于社会工程师们的傲慢心态。
The second, or physical creation, follows from the first, just as a building follows from a blueprint. 第二种或物质创造产生于第一种创造,正如先有蓝图再盖房子一样。
The second, the main flavoring, is added to bring out the aroma of the base and to modify its taste. 第二级,是调料,用以带出基底的香气并调整其滋味。
The second, the main olfactory epithelium, is a smell-sensitive tissue inside the nasal cavity. 第二个部分是主要嗅觉上皮细胞,嗅上皮是鼻腔内的一个嗅觉敏感组织。
The second, third, and fourth metatarsophalangeal joints are reached by a dorsolateral incision parallel to the corresponding extensor tendon (Fig. 1-25). 第二、三、四跖趾关节手术可采用平行于相应的趾伸肌腱的背外侧切口(图1-25)。
The second, what is the happiest in the world? 二,世上什么事情最快乐?
The second-best smacker went to Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet in“Titanic”. 第二对最受欢迎的接吻者是“泰坦尼克”中的莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥和凯特·温丝莱特。
The second-in-line to the British throne is following younger brother Prince Harry into the elite academy to train to become an officer. 继弟弟哈里王子后,这位英国王室的第二王位继承人也将在这所精英院校接受培训成为一名军官。
The second-largest country that was once part of the Soviet Union (Russia is larger), Ukraine is an eastern European country that is now a democracy. 乌克兰曾是苏联的第二大国(俄罗斯是最大的),它现在是一个东欧的独立民主国家。
The secondary elevating mechanism is equipped with pneumatic or manual device for customers to choose. 二次举升机构配置油动或气动机构,供用户选择。

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