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SCULLY sighs deeply as she comes closer to the children.

SCRUM projects can be estimated using standard function point estimating. SCRUM项目可以用标准的点估计函数。
SCULLY and SKINNER walk around the corner of the building beside them. (史高丽和斯金纳走过他们旁边的屋角。
SCULLY goes over to where DOGGETT indicated. SKINNER looks back up at the huge cliff behind them. Then at DOGGETT. (史高丽走道道根说的那个地方。斯金纳回头看着他们身后的高高的悬崖,之后看着道根。)
SCULLY loses sight of the girl. 史高丽看不到她了。
SCULLY sighs and looks at SKINNER again. (史高丽叹气,有看着斯金纳。)
SCULLY sighs deeply as she comes closer to the children. (史高丽深深地叹了口气,她走近了吉普森。)
SCULLY walks over to them. (史高丽走到他们身边。)
SCULLY: (confidently) It wasn't Mulder. 史高丽:(自信地)它不是模特。
SCULLY: Am I to understand that you want me to debunk the X-Files project, sir? 我可以理解为是你们想要我去揭穿X档案项目吗,长官?
SCULLY: He's a bounty hunter. 史高丽:他是??猎人。
SCULLY: I believe they have to do with unexplained phenomena. 我相信它们与不可解释的现象有关。

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