CyberWorks' share price has collapsed almost 60 per cent since it took over Cable &Wireless HKT on August 17. It also had difficulty obtaining equity financing. |
中文意思: 盈动自从在八月十七日和电讯合并后,股价已大幅下挫近百分之六十。要发行股票集资也不容易。 |
Cyber-attacks present an attractive option to America's foes, as a form of guerrilla or asymmetrical warfare.
电子战以游击战和不对等战争的形式,给美国反对者们提供了吸引人的选择。 |
Cyber-culture, with rich resources and some negative influence, is a double-edged sword for us.
网络文化在带给我们丰富资源的同时,也给我们带来了些负面影响。 |
CyberWorks and fellow sufferer China Mobile made up 321 of the points lost.
单是电盈同中国移动就推低了恒指三百二十一点。 |
CyberWorks said it aimed to raise US$530 million through the rights issue.
电盈表示希望藉供股集资五亿三千万美元。 |
CyberWorks' share price has colla ed almost 60 per cent since it took over Cable &am Wirele HKT on August 17. It also had difficulty obtaining equity financing.
盈动自从在八月十七日和电讯合并后,股价已大幅下挫近百分之六十。要发行股票集资也不容易。 |
CyberWorks' share price has collapsed almost 60 per cent since it took over Cable &Wireless HKT on August 17. It also had difficulty obtaining equity financing.
盈动自从在八月十七日和电讯合并后,股价已大幅下挫近百分之六十。要发行股票集资也不容易。 |
Cybercriminals rent out use of their botnets on the black market.
网络罪犯们在黑市上出租他们的僵尸网络的使用权。 |
Cybernation is realized in such kind of fields as, literature interviewing, catalogue, collection, circulation and reading.
文献采访,编目,典藏,流通,阅览等各项业务工作已实现网络化。 |
Cyberspace consists of transactions, relationships, and thought itself, arrayed like a standing wave in the web of our communications.
赛柏空间由交易、关系和思想本身构成,它们像一道永恒的波浪,在我们的交流之网上部署着。 |
Cyberspace does not lie within your borders.
「网络空间」并不存在于你们的边界之内。 |
Cyberware's Model 15, priced in the $20K range was originally developed for medical research, reverse engineering, and object digitization.
控件的15个型号,价格在42元的范围最初开发用于医学研究,逆向工程,并面向数字化. |