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In this paper, the research progress of enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosans are reviewed, and some problems needed to solve are pointed out from an industrial point of view.

In this paper, the renovation of rail base slope at the curve track of Guangzhou Metro Line 1 is introduced, the author explains the causes of the hurt within rail base slope, and discusses some practical solutions which are proved successful. 摘要介绍了广州地铁l号线曲线内轨轨底坡的设置情况,简述了由于钢轨轨底坡设置不合理而引起的危害,并结合地铁的实际情况,提出了调整轨下垫板坡度的解决办法,取得了良好的实际效果。
In this paper, the research advance in diagnosis of crop water deficit is summarized from the aspects of soil index, meteorology index and crop index, the advantages and disadvantages of different methods are discussed, and the problems faced in the study 本文从土壤指标、气象指标和作物指标角度综述了作物水分亏缺诊断的研究进展,讨论了各种方法指标的利弊,并从应用研究角度分析了应用尺度存在的问题。
In this paper, the research development of FCC catalysts for producing more diesel and the influence of support, zeolite and additive was were discussed. 介绍了目前催化裂化多产柴油催化剂的研究现状,对载体、分子筛和助剂对多产柴油的影响进行了考察。
In this paper, the research of using information system in area control survey has been discussed and relevant software-engineering technology has been introduced. 摘要论述区域控制测量信息系统的研制工作,其重点是介绍与区域控制测量信息系统有关的软件工程方法。
In this paper, the research progress of curdlan's characterization and its application areas including food, medicament, chemical industry and architecture are reviewed, and the application prospect of curdlan in China and foreign countries has been also 对凝胶多糖的性质及其在食品、医药、农业、化工、建筑等领域的研究进展进行了介绍,并展望其在国内外的应用前景。
In this paper, the research progress of enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosans are reviewed, and some problems needed to solve are pointed out from an industrial point of view. 本文对壳聚糖酶解制备低聚水溶性壳聚糖的研究进展进行了介绍,并提出要实现工业化需要著重研究的几个方面。
In this paper, the researcher tried to unde rstand how men thought about and dealt with menstruation in their daily life to illustrate men's menstrual culture. 本研究乃是站在将个人视为社会行动者的立场上,以男性为受访对象,了解日常生活中男性如何看待及对待月经。
In this paper, the researches on the substitutions of Ca-polyhedral, P-tetrahedral and channel positions in apatite structure are reviewed, the structural sites, substitution forms and mechanism of isomorphic ions are discussed, and the influence of the s 摘要综述了作为重要环境矿物材料的磷灰石在钙位、四面体位和结构通道位置上类质同象替换的研究进展,讨论了替换离子的结构占位、替换形式和机理,并就替换对这种矿物在环境治理领域应用的影响进行了简要评述。
In this paper, the resistance of sweet corn varieties to Asian corn borer (ACB) (Ostrinia nubilalis) were evaluated by means of host experimental population life table and natural population life table; The order of their resistibility is as follows: S2>Y 摘要利用亚洲玉米螟实验种群生命表和自然种群生命表方法评价甜玉米品种对亚洲玉米螟的抗虫性,结果得出亚洲玉米螟对不同甜玉米品种的抗性大小依次为:穗甜2号>奥甜2号>华1>奥甜1号>超甜20。
In this paper, the results from two experimental locations are presented, and discussions are made on possible resolution of nutrient imbalance which would occur specially by increasing high yield output in soil-crop system. 本文提供了两个地点的试验结果,并且讨论了因提高产量而在土壤作物系统中造成养分不平衡时可能的解决办法。
In this paper, the role of transcendentalism in the transformation is explored in terms of individualism, American values, tolerance, and innovation. 从个人主义传统、美国价值观、自由宽容精神以及实践创新精神等方面,论述了超验主义在塑造美国国民性格中的作用。

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