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If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

If you could go a little lower, I'd give you the order right away. 如果你方能把价格降低一点,我马上向你们订货。
If you could go back and buy your forces now what forces would you buy? 如果你可以回到开始,那么你会选择什么部队?
If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? 如果你能发明一件新事物,你会发明什么?
If you could just have one choice, 如果你只能从父母那儿 选择一样东西来继承,
If you could look like any other celeb, who would it be? 如果你想长得像其他名人,那会是谁?
If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. 你如能够时光倒流回去拜访一个著名的历史人物,你会拜访谁?
If you could name the next major advance comparable to the Internet and PCs, what would it be? 如果你可以命名下个主要的进步可比较的到英特网和个人计算机,什么会它是?
If you could pick only one of these three musicians to collaborate with, who would it be: David Tao, Jay Chou or Wang Lee Hom? 记者:如果你只能选和一位歌手合作,那会是:陶哲,周杰伦还是王力宏?
If you could rig the next big election so that your candidate of choice came out on top, would you? 如果你可以操纵下次大选来让你的候选人入选,你会那样做?
If you could say one thing to your husband now, what would you tell him? 如果现在你可以对你丈夫说一句话,你会说什么?
If you could see or feel the suffering you wouldn't think twice. Give back life. Don't eat meat. 如果你可以看见或感觉到动物被屠杀的痛苦,你绝对不会多想一秒钟。将生命还给牠们,不要吃肉。

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