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Founded in Sep. 2002, our company-Shanghai Beau Ideal Fermentation Co., Ltd was re-established on Shanghai Sea Gull Fermentation Co., Ltd reformaively, specializes in the manufacturing of various seasonings fermented with high quality and has her own impo

Founded in June 1984 as the first to be designated to manufacture mutual inductors by the former Ministry of Machine-building and the Ministry of Electric Power ,the company became members of the Divisions of both China Electrial Equipment Industrial Asso 公司成立于1984年6月,系原机械工业部、电力部首批定点互感器生产的专业厂家,是中国电器工业协会分会、全国变压器分会首批成员单位,公司主要生产35KV及以下的电流、电压互感器,产品符合国家标准GB1208-1997《电流互感器》、GB1207-1997《电压互感器》,采用国际标准IEC44《电流互感器》和IEC60044《电压互感器》。
Founded in March 1987, the Inner Mongolia Youth Glee Club is an excellent glee club and well-known in both home and abroad for its performances of cappella with Mongolian style. 内蒙古民族歌舞剧院蒙古族青年合唱团创建于1987年,是中国擅长演唱无伴奏合唱的团体之一。
Founded in March, 1917, the Union of Chinese Cotton Mill was a nationwide ethical capital cotton textile industrial organization based on Shanghai, it was one of the most influent guilds. 摘要初创于1917年3月的华商纱厂联合会是一个以上海为基地的全国性民族资本棉纺织业行业组织,亦是民国时期最具影响力的行业公会之一。
Founded in May 1998, ZhiBang Kitchen Cabinet Decoration Co. Ltd specialized in exploitation, production and sales of the unitary kitchen cabinet. 志邦厨柜成立于1998年5月,是一家专业致力整体厨柜开发、生产和销售的家具企业。
Founded in November 1992, situated in the Gaoqiao Industrial District of Du Jiangyan City with the reputation of touring wonderland of two world heritages, and occupying 11,000 square meters, Du Jiangyan Chaoyue Light Industry Machine Co., Ltd. is profess 都江堰市超越轻工机械有限公司成立于1992年10月,位于世界双遗产旅游胜地都江堰市高桥工业区,公司占地总面积11000平方米,是一家实力雄厚专业生产螺丝机械和轴类机械的公司。
Founded in Sep. 2002, our company-Shanghai Beau Ideal Fermentation Co., Ltd was re-established on Shanghai Sea Gull Fermentation Co., Ltd reformaively, specializes in the manufacturing of various seasonings fermented with high quality and has her own impo 上海宝鼎酿造有限公司正式成立于2002年9月,是在原上海海鸥酿造有限公司改制的基础上重新组建的企业,专业生产各类优质酿造调味品,企业拥有自营进出口权。
Founded in September 2001, it covers an area of more than 20mu(1 square foot=0.000929 acre), with a total investment of 30 million RMB and more than 200 members. 四周高速公路,铁路,机场构成了便捷的交通网,且毗邻天津港口。
Founded in September,1989, Wuxi Hudai dehumidify equipment &rubber products factory is one high-tech private company, specialized in production of rubber products, located near beautiful Taihu lake and Yang hill. 无锡市胡埭除湿设备密封件厂是专业生产各类橡胶制品的民营高科技企业。工厂创建于一九八九年九月,现已发展成为国内橡胶制品的骨干生产企业。工厂坐落在美丽的太湖之滨、阳山脚下。
Founded in Singapore in the 1930s, Lam Soon first began trading in edible oils, rice and copra. 南顺于30年代在新加坡成立,最初主要从事食油、食米及干椰贸易。
Founded in the 10th century, it became the new centre of the Islamic world, reaching its golden age in the 14th century. 伊斯兰城开罗建于公元10世纪,后成为了伊斯兰世界的新中心,到14世纪到达它的鼎盛时期。
Founded in the 12th century on a hill site surrounded by the Aare river, Berne developed over the centuries in line with a an exceptionally coherent planning concept. 伯尔尼古城于公元12世纪建在阿勒河环绕的山丘上,古城几百年来不断发展进步,但城市的规划理念却始终如一。

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