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An utterance of conventional notions or beliefs; a hackneyed expression.

An upwardly mobile generation. 社会地位上升的一代人
An urban district of eastern Northern Ireland, an industrial and residential suburb of Belfast. Population, 72,400. 纽敦阿比北爱尔兰东部城区,是贝尔诺斯特的工业和居民区。人口72,400
An urban district or quarter in a Spanish-speaking country. 行政区域讲西班牙语国家的城市行政区域或特区
An usher stood at the door giving out programs. 招待员站在门口分发节目表。
An usher stood at the door of the theater giving out programs. 有位招待员在剧场的大门口散发节目单。
An utterance of conventional notions or beliefs; a hackneyed expression. 客套话常用信条的陈述或信仰的自白;陈腐的语句
An “orange flag”, a half-moon orange slice and a speared cherry, is the standard garnish on a whisky sour. 这种鸡尾酒的装饰是使用半圆型的橙子片和樱桃。
An “unfriendly” or “hostile” acquisition attempt is usually characterized by an offer far in excess of the market value of the shares, which is meant to induce current stockholders into selling. “不友好”或“敌意”收购企图一般表现为价格远高于目标公司股票的市场价值的收购要约,以诱使现有股东出售所持有股份。
An ”externality” is not just any old cost or benefit; it has to lie outside a market transaction. “外部性”不仅仅是已经发生的成本或好处;它必须存在于市场交易之外。
An: But when you first met her, did you believe that she was the only person for you, that in some mystical, cosmic way, it was fated? 安:但当你第一次见到她时,你主伙她就是你的唯一吗?是不是在冥冥中已经注定了?
An: If someone is a widower, why do they say that he was “widowed”? why don't they say that he was “widowered” ? (No one answers) I was just wondering. 安:如果有个人是鳏夫,为什么人们说他失去配偶?而不说他失去妻子?(没有人回答)我只是有点搞不懂。

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