However, it's understood Juventus have the inside-running for Huntelaar thanks to the groundwork laid in recent months by director Roberto Bettega - a frequent visitor to Holland. |
中文意思: 然而多亏了近几个月尤文体育指导罗伯特贝特加对荷兰频繁的访问,这样的基础让尤文更有优势。 |
However, it would be unreasonable to charge nothing against profit for the use of the machine.
然而,对使用机器而言,不对利润扣除费用是不合理的. |
However, it'll be a lot longer than four years before we know whether this generation will[color=Red] grow up to be freaks [/color]or not (my guess is not).
然而,要知道这代人长大后是否会成为异类(我猜不会),需要的时间要比4年长得多。 |
However, it's doubtful that they'll get away with a performance along the lines of their most recent visit to Italy, when out-played and out-thought by Roma in the first leg of the quarter-final.
但是,在场上表现和排兵布阵上在四分之一决赛第一回里都输给了罗马之后,曼联如果这次没有起色的话看来是凶多吉少。 |
However, it's obvious that it's his strong, muscular arms that are moving the heavy oar through the water.
然而,我们清楚知道,真正摇动桨使船前进的,是老渔夫那双强而有力的手臂。 |
However, it's perfectly suitable to ask about their job title and what they do for a living.
但你完全可以问他们的工作头衔和以什么为生计。 |
However, it's understood Juventus have the inside-running for Huntelaar thanks to the groundwork laid in recent months by director Roberto Bettega - a frequent visitor to Holland.
然而多亏了近几个月尤文体育指导罗伯特贝特加对荷兰频繁的访问,这样的基础让尤文更有优势。 |
However, its investment in research on renewable energy remains tiny, especially compared with the levels that were briefly attained under Jimmy Carter's presidency.
然而,它在可再生能源研究开发方面的投资水平与吉米?卡特总统领导下大致达到的水平相比一直微乎其微。 |
However, its main task is to study Phobos, the larger of Mars's two moons.
但是,它的主要任务是研究火星两个卫星中的较大者——火卫一。 |
However, its membership has grown considerably since its inception.
最初的会员人数为大约十人。 |
However, its nature of no-reword has gradually despised by the society.
但在现代社会,这种劳动的无酬性使之日益被社会所轻视。 |
However, its stipulations in Chinese civil law and criminal law are rather simple, which cause the differences of cognizance standard on necessity eases in judicial practice.
但是我国《民法通则》以及《刑法》对紧急避险规定得极为简单,造成了在司法实践中对紧急避险案件的认定标准不统一。 |