In the proposed algorithm, each application is represented by a directed acyclic graph, and then all directed acyclic graphs are partitioned into several levels, during executing process, the ready application set can insert in term of a certain regular.
该算法采用有向无环图表示每个应用,然后,将所有这些图进行分层,执行过程中,就绪的应用组可以按照一定的规则动态插入。 |
In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance.
他在执行职务中遇到许多阻力. |
In the prosecution of his duties, he had to interview people of all classes.
在履行职责的时候,他得会见各个阶级的人。 |
In the protection of biodiversity and research on important species of flora and fauna resources for transplant and exclusive research.
在物种多样性保护和研究方面,对重要的动植物资源进行迁地保护和专属引种研究。 |
In the provinces along the seacoast and in the Yangtze Valley where foreign capital penetrated and where mercantile and small industrial cities grew up, the power of the rural gentry in many cases had to be shared with city merchants.
沿海和长江流域的省份是外国资本渗入的地方,市镇工商业比较发达,乡绅的权力往往为城市商人所分享。 |
In the pubic's heart ,he is a hero.
在公众的心目中他是一个英雄。 |
In the public discursive space in China the attention is unprecedentedly paid to film-stars with the same unprecedentedly negative evaluation of them, thus forming a paradoxical cultural phenomenon.
摘要电影明星在当代中国的公共话语空间里受到空前关注,同时也伴随着空前强烈的消极评价,从而形成了一种悖谬的文化现象。 |
In the pure and thick scent of cocoa, have you smelt your memorable childhood and your grow-up stories?
在馥郁纯厚的可可香气里,你是否闻到了愉悦的童年和快乐无忧的成长故事呢? |
In the pursuit of continuous growth, the company has adopted a complete system on the recruits, training, promotion, welfare, retirement and relief of the employees, which has enabled employees to achieve self-fulfillment and led to the maximum benefits f
基于企业永续经营发展的理念,本公司对人才聘用建立一套完整性的选才、育才、用才计划,使任用人员不致埋没、浪费其能力,更使同仁在公允的任用、升迁制度;固定薪资保障;完备奖惩、福利、退抚制度下发挥个人最大潜能,获致劳资双方最大的利益。 |
In the push for digital TV, the government intends to end analogue TV broadcasts by 2015.
在推广数字电视方面,政府想要在2015之前结束模拟电视广播。 |
In the quant, only one inspection lot can be recorded.
在份中,只能记录一个检验批。 |