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“None of us is hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks. Go.

“No; you are less than a servant, for you do nothing for your keep. There, sit down, and think over your wickedness. “不,你连仆人都不如。你不干事,吃白食。喂,坐下来,好好想一想你有多坏。”
“Nobody could believe Cuba would ban smoking. It's like Spain banning wine,” said Jose Luis Flores, a sommelier at a top restaurant in Toledo, Spain . 「没人会相信古巴居然会禁菸。这就好比西班牙宣布禁酒一样(令人难以置信),」荷西.路易斯.佛洛雷斯,一位来自西班牙托雷多一间高级餐厅的专业侍酒师这麽说。
“Nobody knows how to count 1016 cycles per second,” observes Eric A. 「没有人知道要怎麽在一秒内数1016个周期。」
“Nobody was happy,” said a boatman, “but what could they do?” 一名渔民说:“我们大家都不满意,但是,他们又能做什么?”
“Nonda will not leave the capital, as that just wouldn't be honest,” said representative John Dario on Radio Radio. “农达不会离开罗马,目前的传闻是不真实的。”农达的经纪人在电台说。
“None of us is hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks. Go. 我们谁都没有把小天狼星布莱克藏在斗篷下面,去吧。
“Nonsense! I worth much more than that.” The dwarf howls stamping his feet angrily. “胡说!我不可能只值那么点!”矮人咆哮着,双腿在空中乱蹬。
“Nonsense,”said the minnow. “How could you be a frog if only last night you were a little fish, just like me! “胡说,”小鲦鱼说道,“你怎么可能是一只青蛙呢!昨天晚上你还是一条鱼呢,就像我一样。”
“Nope , just me,”said the big fellow.“This little guy is the manager. “不,就我一个,”大个子说。“这位小兄弟是领队。”
“Nope, because he doesn't admit to any crime. 没有,因为他不肯认罪。
“Normal blood sugar level is 70-100. A blood sugar level above 140 is too high. A blood sugar. level below 70 is low. 血糖是指血液中葡萄糖的浓度。正常血糖量是70-100。低血糖是指血液中没有足够的糖或葡萄糖;高血糖是指血液中有太多称为葡萄糖的糖份。

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