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He tried to answer calmly, with exaggeration, truly.

He tried many ways to know the lady well , from her experiences to her daily life . 他尝试了很多办法了解这位女性,从她的人生经历直到她的日常生活。
He tried my patience to its limit. 他把我逼得忍无可忍了。
He tried putting dry remains of sea animals into this unstable mixture. 他尝试着把干燥的海洋生物遗骸加入到这种不稳定的混合物中。
He tried several times to enlist, but first he was too young, then too thin, to make the grade. 他几次报名应征,但都不合标准,先是由于年纪太小,而后又由于长得太瘦。
He tried to act out a story that he had heard. 他试着把自己听的一个故事描述出来。
He tried to answer calmly, with exaggeration, truly. 他尽力的做到冷静地、毫不夸张地、如实地回答。
He tried to atone for her rudeness by sending her some flowers. 他为了他的粗鲁赔罪而送她一些花。
He tried to atone for the evil he had done. 他试著为过去的为非作歹赔罪。
He tried to attack the problem from different angles. 他试着从各个角度来着手解决这个问题。
He tried to be amusing, but I didn't respond.? 他试图逗乐,可我一点都没反应。)?
He tried to be diplomatic when he refused their invitation. 他在拒绝他们的邀请时,尽可能地婉转些。

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