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All his wealth did not profit him.

All his suitcases are tagged with his name and address. 他所有的手提箱都贴著有他名字和地址的标签。
All his suitcases were tagged with his name and address. 他所有的手提箱都贴着有他名字和地址的标签。
All his support melt away when he really needed it. 在他真正需要支持时,所有的支持却都不复存在了。
All his support melt away when he really needed it. 在他真正需要支持时,却得不到一丝半点。
All his valuables were stolen. 他的所有贵重物品都被偷了。
All his wealth did not profit him. 他所有的财富于他无益。
All his work came to naught when the fire destroyed the house he was building. 大火烧毁了他正在建的房子,他的一切成绩化为乌有。
All his work came to naught when the storm destroyed his crops. 暴风雨摧毁了他的庄稼,他所有的努力都付诸东流。
All historians agree that Cleopatra was imprisoned inside her mausoleum on the day of her death. 所有历史学家都认同克利奥帕特拉她临终前的最后一天是被监禁在她自己的陵墓(或大房间)里。
All homemade food items and sauces do not contain preservatives, MSG and artificial colouring. Please refrigerate to ensure freshness. 全部不添加防腐剂、味精及人造色素,敬请必须冷藏。
All homework assignments must be submitted. 所有的作业都必须缴交。

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