Q.1 Why did Pilate give Jesus to soldiers for crucifixion at last although he found in him none grounds for the death penalty?
问题1:尽管查不出耶稣有什么该死的罪来,彼拉多为什么最后还是把耶稣交付给士兵钉十架? |
Q.2 Did Paul defy the Holy place of the Holy Temple?
问题2.保罗在圣殿里有没有污秽圣地? |
Q.2 What did Paul preach everywhere?
问题2.保罗在各地作见证所讲的主要是什么? |
Q.2 What did Paul want to explain by using the words of Isaiah the prophet?
问题2.保罗引用先知以赛亚的话来说明什么? |
Q.2 What is the lack in the church of Ephesus?
问题2.以弗所教会缺乏的是什么? |
Q.2 What was the final confession of diciples to Jesus before his resurrection?
问题2.门徒对主耶稣复活前的最后认信是什么? |
Q.2 What were facing Paul in Jerusalem as Holy Spirit warned him?
问题2.圣灵在各城向保罗指证在耶路撒冷将有什么临到他? |
Q.2 When will Lord avenge for those who had been slain because of God?
问题3.有数不清的身穿白衣的来到宝座和羔羊面前,他们是谁? |
Q.2 Why did Peter scold Simon the sorcerer?
问题2.彼得为什么责备行邪术的西门? |
Q.2 Why was Herod eaten by worms and died?
问题2.为什么希律被虫咬死? |
Q.3 How to distinguish antichrist?
问题3.如何判别敌基督? |