Hawaii Movie Tours, created in 1996 when its tours centered on the Jurassic Parklocations, is now a thriving business that offers everything from Blue Hawaiito South Pacificbeach.
「夏威夷电影之旅」开创于一九九六年,当时以「侏儸纪公园」的场景为卖点,现今生意兴隆,行程应有尽有,从「蓝色夏威夷」的景点,到「南太平洋」的海滩。 |
Hawaii becomes the 50th state of the USA.
夏威夷成为美国的第50个州。 |
Hawaii celebrates it in November, while Alaska in May! More interesting, each state has a special state tree. The state treefor Nebraska is cottonwood, for Alaska is Sitka Spruce.
比如,夏威夷的植树节就定在11月(当地早春三月),而阿拉斯加州却设在5月!更有趣的是,各州还有自己的“州树”。譬如,内布拉斯加州的“州树”是三叶杨,阿拉斯加的“州树”则是北美云杉。 |
Hawaii has the loveliest beaches in the world. The Hawaii Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth. The weather is fine.
拥有美丽沙滩和宜人气候的夏威夷是享誉世界的旅游胜地。下面的文章将带你走进夏威夷这片神奇的土地和那里的人们。 |
Hawaii has the nation's highest percentage of minorities, 75 percent, most of whom are Asians. Sixty-eight percent of District of Columbia residents are minorities, and most of them are black.
夏威夷居民人口中少数族裔占75%,全美比率最高,其中大部分是亚裔。而百分之六十八的哥伦比亚特区居民也是少数族裔,大部分是黑人。 |
Hawaii is a famous tourist resort.
夏威夷是著名的旅游胜地。 |
Hawaii is an excellent tourist resort.
夏威夷是极好的旅游胜地。 |
Hawaii is called an island paradise.
夏威夷被称为海岛乐园。 |
Hawaii is in the Pacific ocean.
夏威夷在太平洋中。 |
Hawaii is its beautiful beaches.
80夏威夷因美丽的海滩而闻名。 |
Hawaii offers the ideal setting for Andy to put that in motion for Grand Slam number one of the year.
安迪的新年计划是要在比赛中保持进攻性,夏威夷为安迪备战一年中的头个大满贯提供了理想的环境。 |