His hoary hair showed his age.
他的花白的头发显示出了他的年龄。 |
His hobby is collecting old echoes.
他的兴趣是收集过去的回音. |
His hobby is entomology.
他爱好昆虫学. |
His hobby is reading books.
他的爱好就是看书。 |
His hobby was metaphysical philosophy, and what he wanted to know was far beyond the range of Edgar\'s normal thinking.
他的嗜好是形而上学哲学,他想知道的远远超出了埃德加正常知识的范围。 |
His home environment was very good.
他的家庭环境很好。 |
His home is a palace compared to ours.
他的家和我们的相比是座宫殿。 |
His home is not far from here.
他家离这儿不远。 |
His home is on the university campus.
他家在那大学校内。 |
His home run came in the seventh with the Dodgers shut out 3-0 and with only three hits on the board. Hits don't get much more important than that.
他在第七局当时三比零时打出全垒打,当时全队才不过三支安打,再也没有比这更重要的关键一击。 |
His home run decided the game.
他的央刨打于比赛结束。 |