A new cooling technique based on thermal driving in high centrifugal field (TDHCF) is developed for gas turbine rotational components, such as turbine blades.
实验中分别采用了液态H2O和氟利昂R12为热驱动介质,分析了离心力场下热驱动运动的流动规律和换热特性,讨论了TDHCF技术的总平均换热效果KH随旋转速度和热流密度的变化规律。 |
Purification and research progress on the natural pigment;
食用天然色素的纯化与研究进展 |
Influence of petroleum sulfonate on interfacial properties of crude oil, resin and asphaltene from Shengli Oilfield;
石油磺酸盐对胜利油田原油、胶质、沥青质界面性质的影响 |
Effects of petroleum polluted soil on the soybean growth;
石油污染土壤对黄豆生长的影响 |
Study on the relation of the standards,quality and praduction of the chemical products;
试论化工产品的标准、质量和生产的关系 |
Rules in Application of Herba Asari by Zhang Zhongjing;
试论张仲景运用细辛的规律 |
The molecule factors leading to thrombogenesis of retinal vein occlusion;
视网膜静脉阻塞血栓形成的分子学机制 |
Thermochemical Study on Solid State Reaction of Nanocrystalline Zinc Phosphate Tetrahydrate at Room Temperature;
室温固相反应制备纳米四水磷酸锌的热化学研究 |
A Survey on the Ancient Conceptions of the Sky, the Earth and the Human in Ancient Chinese Philosophy;
试析中国古代的“天地人”观念 |
In the course of this experiment,core starch (β starch) was used to be as the principal binder of shell core for making iron castings.
试验用 β淀粉作主粘结剂的芯砂制出了能用于铸铁件生产的壳芯 ,可以认为 ,以天然淀粉作芯砂主粘结剂用于铸造生产是完全可能的。 |