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As a result of the heterogeneous distribution of bubbles in the horizontal air-water bubbly flow, the wall shear stress was different along the circumference of tube.

As a result of the experimentation of the Grays and Reptilians upon mankind, many dissonant souls remaining upon Earth come from such experiences. 你也可从中看到地球自身是如何掉入一个类似模式的,因此也可明了为何她的提升会如此之难。
As a result of the extrinsic incentive, the person views his or her actions as externally controlled rather than intrinsically appealing. 由于外在的奖励刺激,人们把他或她的行为视为受外部约束的而非本质上的吸引。
As a result of the fact that Chinese babies coming to American households are very young, the household's economic conditions are relatively good, as they grew up, it is usually quite smoothly and are not aware of external discrimination. 由于被收养的中国孩子来美国时年纪还很小,收养的家庭经济条件也比较好,他们的成长过程普遍比较顺利,也感觉不到外界对他们的歧视。
As a result of the free usage, a externality is created in which the current overuse of the resource harms those who might use it in the future. 自由使用资产的结果就是,由于当前人们过渡的使用资源伤害了将来想要使用这些资源的人们,而产生了外部性。
As a result of the haste, reporters frequently have little opportunity to indulge in their own stylistic preferences. 由于时间仓促,记者们往往很少有机会能按照自己爱好的风格写稿。
As a result of the heterogeneous distribution of bubbles in the horizontal air-water bubbly flow, the wall shear stress was different along the circumference of tube. 摘要水平管泡状流时气泡主要集中在管道的上部,在管下部只有少量的气泡。
As a result of the high specialization of deities and events celebrated in different regions, there are hundreds of such festivals, most of which are observed in smaller areas, though some have followings throughout India. 作为一种高度专门化的神和事件,在不同的地区都有庆祝,有好几百个这样的节日,尽管一些已经遍及整个印度,但更多的只能在较小的地区才看得到。
As a result of the industrial revolution, Britain was by 1830 the “workshop of the world”. 作为工业革命的结果,英国到1830年止成为“世界工场”。
As a result of the inflamed spirits of great numbers of laborers, small businessmen, and professional people with a high degree of social consciousness, imprisonment for debt was outlawed in most jurisdictions. 由于众多劳动者、小商人以及具有较高社会责任感的专业人士的强烈反对,这种监禁制度在大多数州法中被废除。
As a result of the leak to the press, heads will roll in White hall. 由于消息泄露给了新闻界,白厅有一些人将丢饭碗。
As a result of the need, I have a certain artistic attainments. 由于工作需要,我具备着一定的艺术造诣。

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