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Will You harass a driven leaf And pursue dry chaff?

Will Turner: Will you marry me? 威尔·特纳:你会嫁给我吗?
Will Vieri \'s absence affect you? 记者:维埃里的缺席是否激励了你们?
Will Wednesday be O.K. for you, Mrs. Reed? 约翰逊大夫周六有空吗?
Will You be angry with us forever? Will You prolong Your anger to all generations? 诗85:6你不再将我们救活、使你的百姓靠你欢喜麽。
Will You deliver them into my hand? 你会将他们交在我手里么?
Will You harass a driven leaf And pursue dry chaff? 25你要惊动被风吹的叶子,追赶枯干的碎秸么?
Will You restrain Yourself from these, O Jehovah? Will You keep silent and afflict us to an extreme? 12耶和华阿,对这些事,你还要忍住么?你仍静默使我们受苦至极么?
Will Your Representative Office License Be Cancelled? 您公司的驻华代表处执照会被取消?
Will a bird fall into a trap on the earth When there is no snare laid for it? 5若没有设网罗的,雀鸟岂会陷在地上的网罗里么?
Will a graduate last year be eligible to apply for the position? 如果是非应届毕业生(去年毕业的)可以申请吗?
Will a guild have several management tools available? 一个工会使用集中不同的管理工具?

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