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Therefore the nonlinear model developed here for simulating the ship towing system in waves can be regarded as an useful tool for promoting the ship towing technique and it safety at sea.

Therefore the law is ineffective, And justice never goes forth; For the wicked encompasses the righteous, Therefore justice goes forth perverted. 4因此律法失效,公理也不显明;恶人围困义人,所以公理显然颠倒。
Therefore the leprosy of Naaman shall cleave to you and to your seed forever. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow. 27因此,乃缦的痲疯必沾附于你和你的后裔,直到永远。基哈西从以利沙面前出去,就患了痲疯,像雪那样白。
Therefore the lips of the profile were filled in freehand to match those on the self-portrait. 这幅作品上的嘴唇和自画像都采用了徒手作画的方式。
Therefore the more general terms “resource” or “participant” are sometimes used to describe the person, group, or machine that is performing the work. 因此更广泛的来说,「资源」或「参与者」有时候指的是那些执行工作的人员、群组或是机器设备。
Therefore the name of it was called Abel-mizraim, which is beyond the Jordan. 因此那地方名叫亚伯麦西,是在约但河外。
Therefore the nonlinear model developed here for simulating the ship towing system in waves can be regarded as an useful tool for promoting the ship towing technique and it safety at sea. 经由本研究的分析结果讨论,可知本文所建立的数学模式,对于评估海上拖带作业技术与安全有相当大之助益。
Therefore the opportunity cost of rice production in this example is the loss of the income that could have been gained from the carrots. 因而,在这个范例中种植水稻的机会成本就是种植胡萝卜可能获得的利润的损失。
Therefore the outcome is positive, even if the opening causes a temporary time of discomfort. 因此,结果是积极的,即使打开心灵会暂时引起一些不舒服。
Therefore the policy laws and regulations safeguard and the corresponding benefit actuation, are develops the farmer education and the training effective guarantee. 因此政策法规的保障和相应的利益驱动,是发展农民教育和培训的有效保证。
Therefore the prudent man keeps quiet in such times, for the times are evil. 13所以通达人见这样的时势,必静默不言。因为时势真恶。
Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time. 13所以通达人见这样的时势,必静默不言。因为时势真恶。

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