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At it's current price, this jewel is worth a million yen.

At issue is a referendum planned to coincide with presidential elections in Taiwan in March next year. 此次争论的核心是计划配合明年3月份台湾“总统选举”的**。
At issue is the resumption of limits on 19 categories of Chinese textiles exported to the United States. 争议的焦点是恢复中国出口到美国的19种纺织品的限额。
At issue is whether Tung Chee-hwa's successor should serve a five-year term until 2010 or merely see out the remainder of Mr Tung's term until 2007. 现时的问题是究竟董建华的继任人的任期应为五年,直至2010年;还是其任期只有董建华余下的任期,直至2007年。
At issue is whether a power struggle is about to break out in China. 值得争议的是,一场权力斗争是否将在中国爆发。
At issue is whether the four majors together might now reach an unspoken understanding about prices. 现在悬之未决的就是这四家唱片公司是否能够在价格上达成默契。
At it's current price, this jewel is worth a million yen. (按目前的价格,这块宝石值100万日元。)
At its 3-day Covert Ops (for covert operations) training camp in Tucson, Arizona, you can learn 2)evasive driving, 3)combat pistol shooting, 4)unarmed 5)self-defense, 6)spying 7)techniques, 8)explosives and booby-traps. 在亚利桑那州塔森市这家公司为期三天的「秘行」(代表秘密行动)训练营中,你可以学到如何驾车躲避攻击、战斗手枪射击、徒手自卫、侦察技巧、炸药以及诡雷。
At its February 2003 meeting, the Rotary International Board of Directors took actions that uplifted service, Rotary education and outreach, and communication via the Internet. 国际扶轮理事会于2003年2月的会议中,通过议案来提升服务、扶轮教育与扩展、及网际网路通讯。
At its Washington office, young employees in their 20s and early 30s are doing a brisk business designing Web sites for clients, running blogs and administering email groups. 在华盛顿的办事处,二十几岁到三十出头的年轻职员活跃地为客户设计网页,运转博客和管理电子邮件组。
At its base level, it increases threat by 60%: So, for every 10 points of Holy damage you do, you will gain an extra 6 threat. 它的基本等级(正义之怒)是将仇恨放大60%,也就假设说10点的神圣攻击,那你将能得到10点神圣攻击外再加上6点得仇恨量。
At its best, it is a compendious, portmanteau-like repository that captures “the concrete, everyday, corporeal nature of life”. 最好的小说语言简明,却能包罗万象,抓住日常生活真实、具体而实在的本质。

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