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After several yearrking in a band, he has now gone back to being a solo musician, so his career has come full circle.

After several pumps, the water began to flow. 用泵抽了几下之後, 水流出来了.
After several reverses the enemy was forced to retreat. 几经失败之后,敌军被迫后撤。
After several sessions at the gym, I feel a lot fitter. 我在健身房锻炼了几次以後,觉得身体好多了。
After several times of dynamic balance tests and modifications, the vibration and swing of generating units are controlled within the allowances. 通过多次动平衡试验与校正,使机组的振动与摆度控制在规范允许的范围内。
After several topics, finally we got the focus on whether it was useful or baneful to find your girlfriend after your success in the future. 话题转变多轮,终于在是否应在事业成功后再找女友的观点上争辩起来。
After several yearrking in a band, he has now gone back to being a solo musician, so his career has come full circle. 在乐队工作数年后,他现在回过头来又当独奏乐师,可以说他的事业是兜了一个圈子。
After several years of R&D, the upgraded new generation products are more polish, the configuration are more logical and the varieties are growing in all-sided. 经过多年的不断研发,现已更新换代,产品更精湛、配置更合理、品种更齐全。
After several years of being put into practice, the DGA has played a very important role in this field. 在经过多年的发展与扩张,法国军备局的角色非常重要同时也史树一格。
After several years of rapid increases, U.S. home prices fell last year and many experts say the market bottom has not yet been reached. 美国房价在持续多年飙升之后,于去年开始下滑;许多专家预言房价市场并未到达底部。
After several years' self study he acquired a great deal of knowledge. 经过几年的自学,他获得了不少知识。
After several years, my son became famous, for being naughty. 几年学上下来,儿子在学校颇有“名气”,就是最调皮捣蛋的名气。

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