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They are mutually dependent and inter-acting in our practical life.

They are more than amusement parks with rides, such as s Ferris wheel, merry-go-round or a roller coaster. 它们不止是那些配备像摩天轮、旋转木马、过山车这些骑乘设施的游乐园。
They are mortars, howitzers, cannons, long-range artillery, rocket guns and self-propelled guns. 是迫击炮、榴弹炮、加浓炮、远程火炮、火箭炮、自行火炮。
They are motivated by the twin goads of punishment and reward. 他们受赏与罚的双重因素所激励。
They are much heavier cosmic-force energyat this stage. 在这阶段它们是更为沉重的“宇宙力能量”。
They are much more adaptable than the Big Boss material. 比“大老板”用的材料更有适应性。
They are mutually dependent and inter-acting in our practical life. 在现实生活中,它们既相互依存又相互影响。
They are my business associate. 他们都是我生意上的同仁。
They are my father, my mother, my younger sister and I. 他们是我爸爸、我妈妈、我姐姐和我。
They are my fellows at school. 他们是我的同学。
They are my life. I was raised on hot chilly peppers and strong tea. Coffee is my favorite, too. 这些东西是我生活的必须品。我吃辣椒和喝浓茶长大的。我也爱和咖啡。
They are my old friend. 他们是我的老朋友。

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