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One is that the former is an essentially deterministic theory and the latter is essentially indeterministic.

One is that biologists have little training in developing piecemeal manipulations of complex systems and thus focus on seeking holistic ones (magic bullets), which are probably absent in the case of aging. 其一是,生物学家在把复杂系统分解操作方面缺乏训练,这样,就把精力集中在寻找整体性(魔弹),它可能在老化的场合中并不存在。
One is that class libraries may contain many more features than an application requires, increasing its size unnecessarily. 首先类库可能包含应用程序不需要的功能,这增加了不必要的文件尺寸。
One is that he is in essence a man of peace, trying hard to make a deal with India over Kashmir and to rein in the militants who stalk his land and who have sympathisers in the upper echelons of his army and its powerful Inter-Services Intelligence outfit 第一种看法认为他在本质上是一个爱好和平的人,他努力的试图与印度就克什米尔问题达成一至,控制住国内好战分子,这些人在巴斯斯坦势力强大,得到了军队上层及强大的三军情报局(ISI)的支持。
One is that our supporters, they feel that their constitutional rights to elect the president has been deprived simply because the election fraud. 第一点,我们的支持者觉得由于选举舞弊,他们按照宪法选举总统的权利被剥夺了。
One is that since Hui Yuan accepted Sarvastivada's abhidharma teachings, especially the idea that every dharma was real-bhava, he believed that dharma-nature was real-bhava or unchangeable entity. 从慧远的佛学思想来看,他接受了说一切有部的毗昙学说,特别是其中“一切法实有”的思想,因而认为法性是法真性,是不变的实体。
One is that the former is an essentially deterministic theory and the latter is essentially indeterministic. 一个就是前者是本质上确定性理论,而后者是本质上不确定。
One is that what matters is the legal sufficiency of the consideration in contrast to its economic adequacy. 原则之一是要看对价的法律上的充分性而不是经济上的充足性。
One is the South American phorid fly. 一个是南美的苍蝇。
One is the ability to traverse into one's own unconscious without fear. (第一份礼物是)你有能力不带恐惧地游历自己的无意识领域。
One is the acellular lipid core of mature atherosclerotic plaques, but that doesn't really count, because macrophages are constantly arriving and eating bits of that core, and the only problem is that they can't then break it down after eating it, and eve 一是成熟的动脉粥样硬化斑块的非细胞脂质核,但是,这种脂质核并非真正脂质核心,因为巨噬细胞不断来吃掉一点这种核心,唯一的问题是它们吃后不能消化,它们最终死亡并成为该问题的一部分。
One is the bourgeois revolution led by the emerging property-owning middle class that the new law will help. 一场是由新兴的拥有财产的中产阶级领导的资产阶级革命,新法律将会促进中产阶级的壮大。

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