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For the purpost of thin and even wall thickness distribution, and mass production dialy,the molds for food packaging materials,such as pudding cup,airline cup,jelly cup,closeure,PET preform...etc., have to be designed combining precision and hardness with

For the purposes of the first paragraph hereof, the term ad valorem percentagemeans that, following manufacture or processing in a certain country (region) using materials not originating in the said country (region), the value added portion exceeds a cer 本条第一款所称从价百分比,是指在某一国家(地区)对非该国(地区)原产材料进行制造、加工后的增值部分,超过所得货物价值一定的百分比。
For the purposes of the study, the authors focused on the aspect of vertical integration that varies the most among the sample firms: the extent to which the firms own their own retail distribution systems. 出于本篇研究文章的需要,两位作者集中考察了垂直整合在被调查公司中差异最大的方面,即公司在多大程度上拥有其所在的零售系统。
For the purposes of these Measures, the term Representative Organizationmeans a representative office or a general representative office of a foreign insurance institution approved to be established in China to conduct non-business activities such as liai 本办法所称代表机构,是指外国保险机构在中国境内获准设立并从事联络、市场调查等非经营性活动的代表处、总代表处。
For the purposes of these Measures, the term chief representativemeans the principal responsible person of a representative office, and the term general representativemeans the principal responsible person of a general representative office. 本办法所称首席代表,是指代表处的主要负责人;本办法所称总代表,是指总代表处的主要负责人。
For the purpose, we need to create a happy harmonious , loose, and comfortable atmosphere; we need to combine the development creative thought with the importation of relative knowledge and the cultivation of listening ability, speaking ability, reading a 为此,需要营造一种有利于创造性思维发展的、和谐、宽松、愉悦的学习氛围:需要把创造性思维能力的开发和有关知识的传授与听说读写技能的培养有机地结合起来:多样化的课堂活动是开发创造性思维的有效途径,课堂活动任务化对开发创造性思维具有重要的作用。
For the purpost of thin and even wall thickness distribution, and mass production dialy,the molds for food packaging materials,such as pudding cup,airline cup,jelly cup,closeure,PET preform...etc., have to be designed combining precision and hardness with 许多食品包装器皿,如布丁杯、航空杯、果冻杯,瓶盖、PET瓶瓶胚等,由于其成品对于厚度及均匀度之要求相当严格,同时每日需生产庞大数量,因此其模具在结构上必须要求具有精密度高、硬度大、使用热浇道系统等设计方可达到目的。
For the quiet and regularity transformation, people at last found that even themselves, every one's actions either forward, backward, leftwards or rightwards, all serve for the great transformation and work all for the specific and fast coming of the grea 对于这场本身是平静的、规律性的变革,最后人们也会惊奇地发现,甚至自己——每一个人的每一个活动,不管是向前还是向后,向左还是向右,都早已在为这一巨变服务,都在为这一巨变更为明确、更快到来而工作。
For the reader, the parallax is created by Ender and Bean, standing a little ways apart as they move through the same events. 对于读者来说,视角是分别由安德和比恩建立的,他们在同一个故事中分别走着自己的路。
For the real time performance need of the Low Speed Speech Compress Algorithm and the ASIC implement of the transfer process between programs, the design is put forward in the paper, in which state registers control the cross access between operator and m 摘要针对低速率语音压缩算法对处理器系统实时处理复杂运算的性能要求,就程序调用过程的ASIC实现问题进行了对比与分析,进而提出了用层次状态寄存器控制存取算子对存储体交叉访问的方法,并结合运用寄存器窗口传递参数的功能,以及利用空指令硬布线处理流水线冲突的方法,有效地解决了TR600芯片中调用过程存在的主要问题。
For the rear of the tabernacle, to the west, he made six boards. 出36:27帐幕的后面、就是西面、作板六块。
For the reason of center plate split,in the raising speed and heavy-load transportation,the vehicles temporary repair rate rise continually.Under existing technical condition, this paper analyzed the reason of center plate split,and gave the corresponding 在铁路提速、重载运输中,有因车辆心盘裂损而造成车辆临修率持续增加的现象,对心盘裂损故障的原因进行了分析,提出了在现有技术条件下,通过改进心盘检修工艺来提高心盘检修质量,以及管理上应采取的措施。

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