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Straightly Stand on Wooden Pallet and Wrapped with Fibre Broad ,Plastic Membrane &Kraft Paper Board Bound with iron Belts Externally and Then Mounted in the Container with Iron Belt.

Straighten stamped steel pans particularly around the bolt hole lacations. 调整印花钢盘正好在拴洞周围的位置。
Straighten up your ideas! 要改进你的观念!
Straightening children's crooked teeth with braces may improve their smile but it is no guarantee of happiness and improved self esteem. 用牙套来矫正孩子们不够整齐的牙齿,也许可以让他们的笑容更加灿烂,但不一定能使他们更加快乐、更具自豪感。
Straightening up, Jesus said to her, Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you? 约8:11他说、主阿、没有。耶稣说、我也不定你的罪.去罢.从此不要再犯罪了。
Straightforward of the northern and subtle sensibility of the south have found the optimum combining site here. 在这里,北方人的粗犷和南方人的细腻找到了最佳的结合点。
Straightly Stand on Wooden Pallet and Wrapped with Fibre Broad ,Plastic Membrane &Kraft Paper Board Bound with iron Belts Externally and Then Mounted in the Container with Iron Belt. 木托架包装,用纤维板、塑料薄膜及瓦楞纸皮包裹,外用铁带捆扎,再用铁带固定于集装箱内。
Straightness means that the horse must never break out of his track. 正直的意思是马不能打破他行进的轨迹。
Strain Any group of similar or identical individuals, such as a CLONE, mating strain, physiological RACE, or RURE LINE. 品系:相近或相似植物个体归为一个品系。例如一个单克隆,交配系,生理种,或纯系。
Strain and use as directed. 制成后倒出药水使用。
Strain began to tell on his health. 过度劳累开始影响他的健康。
Strain brain on the train is restrained. 在列车上过度用脑受到约束.

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