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But it's hard to believe that the manager and players alike would be sounding off that much about a call if they weren't already pulling their hair out with aggravation to begin with.

But it's clear that within the next five years, those advances will actually make it so that people will read even a magazine, a thesis, a long document off of an LCD screen. 但是它是清楚的那在那里面往后的五年,那些进步将会实际上做到,因此哪一人们甚至将会读一本杂志,一个论题,走开一个LCD荧屏的一份长的文件。
But it's easy to get to Manhattan from here by the sub-way. 可是从这儿乘地铁到曼哈顿很方便。
But it's even tougher to be a television repairman. 但修理电视机(的人)就更复杂了。
But it's getting better now and I would say that I have been learning many things during this time and it is a great experience to be in this big country so different than Europe. 我在中国学到了很多东西,从语言到习俗,现在已经慢慢的开始习惯中国,并且开始喜欢这个国家。
But it's got James Bondin it. 但它包括“詹姆士·邦德”在内。
But it's hard to believe that the manager and players alike would be sounding off that much about a call if they weren't already pulling their hair out with aggravation to begin with. 但是,却是很难相信总教练和球员们异口同声的对这个判决的不满,可以想像他们对于球队持续恶化的战绩是多麽火大。
But it's hard to imagine Jesus grumbling about anything, because He willingly embraced His Father's will with thanksgiving. 很难想象耶稣对什么事情发过怨言,因为他怀着感恩的心,欣然接受了他父的旨意。
But it's important for me to look back and say thanks and goodbye to this period my music so that I can apply that to my future. 但是对我来说回顾以前,对这段时间我的音乐说谢谢和再见是重要的,这样我能用它用于我的未来。
But it's important not to let Kidman's pose sweep reason away. 可重要的是,别只看到基德曼装腔作势,而无视其离婚的真正原因。
But it's not a problem for such an undaunted person like me. 但对我这样一个现在大无畏的人来说,这并不是大问题。
But it's not as if earlier times didn't know perpetual war, disaster and the massacre of innocents. 但这并不是早期人们不知道持久的战争、灾难和对无辜者的屠杀。

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