His message was not very happily worded.
他的通知在措辞上有些欠妥. |
His method of grift ing isn't always the most prepared - and he's yet to master the art of the Plan B - but his imagination and willpower often bring flashes of genius that save the day.
他诈骗的手段并非总是面面俱到——所以他还要好好学着点怎么准备好应急方案——但他天马行空的想像力同立场坚定的意志力往往能够带来天才般的灵光一闪,从而峰回路转、化险为夷。 |
His method of organizing the work is commendable.
他组织这项工作的办法是值得称赞的。 |
His method of teaching is old-fashioned.
他的教学方法已经陈旧。 |
His method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous.
他的办法对他来说是成功的,但他是个体弱多病的人,而多数人需要的是精力充沛。 |
His methodology and theory on solving mathematical equations appeared 200 years earlier than those in Western Europe.
方程求解方法和理论早西欧人200年,所著《古今历法通考》为中国古代历学史的专著。 |
His methods are very cruel.
他的手法很残酷。 |
His methods of teaching are behind the times.
他教书的方法已落伍了。 |
His meticulous attentiveness on seizing the banal, mundane moments, and transforming them into an essence of their own specificity is what is significant his works.
细致入微地捕捉陈腐而平凡的瞬间并把它们转换成为自身特性的要素,这正是他的作品的标志。 |
His meticulous observations of family life can seem trite in comparison with the events soon to come.
他所小心翼翼观测描绘的那些家庭生活,与即将来临的事件相比显得索然无味。 |
His middle and late poetry, however, presents some cozy and peaceful scenes.
促使他诗风大变的主要原因之一要归于道家思想的影响。 |