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The classroom was cleaned yesterday.

The classify and function of nerve fibers; Sensory specific projection system and nonspecific projection system; Cortical motor area and cortical sensory area; Thalamus nucleus; Muscle tonus and attitude regulation by brain stem; Functions of cerebellum; 神经纤维的分类及功能;感觉的特异与非特异投射系统;大脑皮层运动代表区和感觉代表区;丘脑核团;脑干对肌紧张和姿势的调节;小脑的功能;下丘脑对内脏活动的调节;觉醒与睡眠;条件反射,学习和记忆的机制。
The classmate above makes a correct conjecture,add 10pt!!!Meantime gift you a ticket of free Baoding five-day tour!!! 楼上同学推断正确,加十分!!!同时奖励免费保定五日游招待券一张!!!
The classmates discriminated against him because of his parents' divorce. 由于父母的离异, 他遭到了同班同学的歧视。
The classroom of a one-room schoolhouse probably looked much like your own. 校内唯一的一间教室也许看起来就像您现在的就读教室。
The classroom was cleaned by us. 教室被我们打扫过。
The classroom was cleaned yesterday. 昨天打扫教室了。
The classroom was dolled up by the pupils for the celebration. 为了这次庆祝会学生们把教室布置得漂漂亮亮。
The classroom was turned upside-down. 教室被弄得乱七八糟。
The classrooms must be kept clean. After classes, the Board of Director of each classroom needs to check to ensure that the classroom is returned to the original order. 六、教室内必须保持整洁.在教室使用后,每班的负责董事应检查教室已经还原.
The classy Portuguese defender is battling with the knee injury he picked up against Bolton at the end of April. 这位葡萄牙的国脚级后卫在四月底与博尔顿的比赛中膝部受伤。
The classy full back looked set to leave Chelsea last term, as he struggled to establish himself in the side following a serious ankle injury and was farmed out on loan to Fulham. 这位优秀的后卫上赛季本来很可能会离开切尔西,脚踝严重受伤后,他为了确保自己在球队的位置而苦苦挣扎,后来就被租借到富勒姆。

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