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And the leader of the eunuchs gave them names: he gave Daniel the name Belteshazzar; Hananiah, the name Shadrach; Mishael, the name Meshach; and Azariah, the name Abed-nego.

And the land trembles and writhes, For the purposes of Jehovah against Babylon stand, To make the land of Babylon a waste, Without inhabitant. 29地必震动而翻腾;因耶和华向巴比伦所定的旨意成立了,要使巴比伦之地荒凉,无人居住。
And the larger body of India has such hard lives that when they go to the cinema, they want to be transported, to see a world of hope and color and positivity, the innocent, beautiful fairytale. 人们过着困难的生活但是当他们走进了电影院,他们想转变现状,想看到世界的希望和色彩和积极的一面,天真、美丽并且公平。
And the last 10 years, we stay at home, sit by the front door and bark at people! 最后10年,我们呆在家里,坐在门口,对人大叫!
And the last deception will be worse than the first. 这样,那后来的迷惑,比先前的就更厉害了。
And the later improvement and development direction are pointed out, which will lay a firm foundation for making further improvement on the exploitation effects of Tuo 7 fault block. 并指明了下步改进及发展方向,为进一步提高坨七断块的开发效果奠定坚实基础。
And the leader of the eunuchs gave them names: he gave Daniel the name Belteshazzar; Hananiah, the name Shadrach; Mishael, the name Meshach; and Azariah, the name Abed-nego. 7太监长给他们起名,称但以理为伯提沙撒,称哈拿尼雅为沙得拉,称米沙利为米煞,称亚撒利雅为亚伯尼歌。
And the leader of the eunuchs said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who has appointed your food and drink; for why should he see your faces being more morose than those of the children who are of your own age? 10太监长对但以理说,我惧怕我主我王,他已经派定你们的饮食;为何叫他看见你们的面貌,比你们同岁的少年人瘦弱难看呢?
And the leader of the father's household of the families of Merari was Zuriel the son of Abihail. They shall encamp on the side of the tabernacle to the north. 35米拉利人家族之宗族的首领是亚比亥的儿子苏列;他们要在帐幕的北边安营。
And the leaves were shaped like a heart. 这些叶子的形状是心形的。
And the legalization of the intervention policies will fulfill the innovation of economic law institutions, the essence being the innovation of economic law oriented towards public interests and of social law nature. 而干预政策的法律化将实现经济法制的创新,其实质是以社会公共利益为本位、具有社会法性质的经济法的创新。
And the legendary lover Casanova tells of the one who got away: was the woman who offered up every part of herself, spiritual and otherwise, in fact employing a cunning strategy to evade capture? 传奇风流高手卡萨诺瓦讲述一个逃跑者的故事:那个将她的每一个部分--精神上的或者其他方面--都贡献出来的女人,是否事实上是在使用一种狡猾的策略来逃避追捕?

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