1 Thes. 4:8 Consequently, he who rejects, rejects not man but God, who also gives His Holy Spirit to you. |
中文意思: 帖前四8所以那弃绝的,不是弃绝人,乃是弃绝那位将他的圣灵赐给你们的神。 |
1 Thes. 2:9 For you remember, brothers, our labor and travail: While working night and day so as not to be burdensome to any of you, we proclaimed to you the gospel of God.
帖前二9弟兄们,你们原记得我们的劳碌辛苦;我们是昼夜作工,把神的福音传扬给你们,免得叫你们任何人受累。 |
1 Thes. 4:12 That you may walk becomingly toward those outside and may have need of nothing.
帖前四12叫你们对外人行事端正得体,自己也就没有什么缺乏了。 |
1 Thes. 4:16 Because the Lord Himself, with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
帖前四17然后我们这些活著还存留的人,必同时与他们一起被提到云里,在空中与主相会;这样,我们就要和主常常同在。 |
1 Thes. 4:6 That no one overstep and take advantage of his brother in the matter, because the Lord is the avenger concerning all these things, even as we also said before to you and solemnly charged.
帖前四6也不要在这事上越分,占他弟兄的便宜;因为关于这一切的事,主必报应,就如我们先前告诉过你们,又郑重见证过的。 |
1 Thes. 4:7 For God has not called us for uncleanness but in sanctification.
帖前四7神本是在圣别中召了我们,并不是要我们沾染污秽。 |
1 Thes. 4:8 Consequently, he who rejects, rejects not man but God, who also gives His Holy Spirit to you.
帖前四8所以那弃绝的,不是弃绝人,乃是弃绝那位将他的圣灵赐给你们的神。 |
1 Thes. 5:14 And we exhort you, brothers, Admonish the disorderly, console the fainthearted, sustain the weak, be long-suffering toward all.
帖前五14弟兄们,我们劝你们,要劝戒不守规矩的人,抚慰灰心的人,扶持软弱的人,又要对众人恒忍。 |
1 Thes. 5:22 Abstain from every kind of evil.
帖前五22各种的恶事要远离禁作。 |
1 Thes. 5:27 I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers.
帖前五27我指著主吩咐你们,要把这信念众弟兄听。 |
1 Thes. 5:3 When they say, Peace and security, then sudden destruction comes upon them, just as birth pangs to a woman with child; and they shall by no means escape.
帖前五3人正说平安稳妥的时候,毁灭忽然临到他们,如同产难临到怀胎的妇人一样,他们绝不能逃脱。 |
1 Thes. 5:8 But since we are of the day, let us be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love and a helmet, the hope of salvation.
帖前五8但我们既是属于白昼,就当谨慎自守,穿上信和爱的胸甲,并载上救恩之望的头盔。 |