You have a sewing machine on hire from us, for which we hold your written agreement to make regular payments at the rate of $15 per month.
您租用我公司的缝纫机一台,同时送上一张契约书,记明您应为此每月付款15美元。 |
You have a small change since we had met last year .
自从去年我们见面以来,你变化不大。 |
You have a smudge of chocolate on your shirt.
你的衬衫上有一块巧克力的污渍。 |
You have a string made up of multiple lines, and you need to build another string from it, adding or removing leading spaces on each line so that the indentation of each line is some absolute number of spaces.
你有一个由多行组成的字符串,你需要从它构造另一个新的字符串,增加或移去每一行的前导空格,使得每一行的缩进由确定数量的空格组成。 |
You have a strong arm; Your hand is mighty, Your right hand is exalted.
诗89:13你有大能的膀臂.你的手有力、你的右手也高举。 |
You have a strong artistic inclination.
你有强烈的艺术爱好倾向。 |
You have a strong inclination to experiment and test your theories as you go along.
你对实验有强烈的喜好,而且当你继续下去时,会为测试你的理论而做实验。 |
You have a successful business.
你的事业很成功。 |
You have a sword of light in your hand, which shall shatter and dispel any darkness you may encounter, and your guides shall support you through the experience.
在你手里有一把光剑,会粉碎并消散任何你邂逅的黑暗,而你的指导者会支持你通过体验。 |
You have a teacup with a cover on it.
你有那种有盖子的茶杯. |
You have a temp that is assigned to once with a simple expression, and the temp is getting in the way of other refactorings.
你有一个临时变量,只被一个简单表达式赋值一次,而它妨碍了其他重构手法。 |