Flower Lady Day, on February 19 of the lunar year, is the festival of the Zhuang ethnic group. |
中文意思: 壮族花王节阴历二月十九是壮族的花王节。 |
Flow prediction is an important item in the construction of rail transit.
摘要客流预测是轨道交通建设的重要基础工作。 |
Flow straighteners may be required.
可能需要流向矫直装置。 |
Flowcharting is one method of pictorially representing a procedural (step-by-step) solution to a business problem before you actually start to write the action plan.
流程图是一种在你真正开始写计划前对于商务问题解决方法的一种步骤构想。 |
Flowcharts are popular because they graphically represent the program logic through a series of standard geometric symbols and lines connected according to the logic of the algorithm.
流程图是最普及的,因为它通过一系列标准的图形符号和线条,按算法的逻辑相联接,形象地表达了程序的逻辑结构。 |
Flowcharts are relatively easy to learn and are an intuitive method of representing the flow of control in an algorithm.
流程图相对来说,容易学习,在算法的流程控制上也是一种直观的表达方式。 |
Flower Lady Day, on February 19 of the lunar year, is the festival of the Zhuang ethnic group.
壮族花王节阴历二月十九是壮族的花王节。 |
Flower Lady is the godess of fertility and the patron saint of the children.
花王是壮族人民信仰的生育女神,也是儿童的守护神。 |
Flower Red,my sister,as our wings are wet through for the heavy rain, we shivering, please let us stay under your leaves for a while.
红花姐姐,红花姐姐,大雨把我们的翅膀淋湿了,大雨把我们淋的直发冷,让我们到你的叶子下避避雨吧。 |
Flower Talk has always been keeping to the principle of “Talking in Flower”. So let flowers express your love, passion, affection, happiness, thankfulness, and sorrow.
花言草语一直遵循“让花草代我说”的理念。无论是友情、爱情、亲情,或是喜悦、感激、悲伤,都让花草来代您说,代您传达。 |
Flower Talk, established in 2002, becomes a messenger of beauty and nature for the last five years and is unanimously recognized in the neighboring area.
花言草语成立于2002年,5年以来化身为传播美与自然的使者,得到了周边地区的一致认可。 |
Flower bisexual, solitary; pedicel slightly longer than the hooked peduncle, puberulous; sepals 3, triangular, c. 3 mm long, subglabrous; petals 6, in 2 whorls, ovate-lanceolate, 1-1.8 cm long, base concave, outer ones densely silky villose, thick; stamen
花两性,单生;花梗稍长于鈎状的总花梗,被疏柔毛;萼片3,三角形,长约3毫米,近无毛;花瓣6,2轮,卵状披针形,长1-1.8厘米,基部凹陷,外轮花瓣密被丝质柔毛,质地厚;雄蕊多数,药隔顶端被短柔毛;心皮无毛,每心皮有基生胚珠2颗,柱头短棒状。 |