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Every mother has affection for her children.

Every morning, she made out a list of fashion magazines and make-ups. 每天早上,她开列一个时尚杂志和化妆品的清单。
Every morning, the Chief Concierge will review all limousine bookings for next day for arranging drivers' duty roaster. 每天早上,礼宾部主管检查第二天订车单来安排司机的排班表.
Every morning, there are strategy sessions to mull the latest intelligence, and rapid-response teams are sent to remote places at the commander's bidding. 每天早晨,都会召开战略会议认真研磨最新情报,并根据指挥官的命令,将快速反应小组派往各个偏僻边远之地。
Every morning, you can see speeders being stopped by the highway patrol. 每天早晨,你都能看到被高速公路巡逻车拦截下来的超速行驶者。
Every mother has a blind spot about her child. 每个母亲在她孩子的身上总有觉察不出的缺点。
Every mother has affection for her children. 每个母亲都爱她的孩子。
Every mother's child is handsome. 孩子是自己的好。
Every mother's son wishes to be considered Solomon. 人人都希望被大家看做是聪敏人。
Every motion of a single leaf moves every leaf of every tree on every isle of earthsea. 一片叶子的任何动向,都能移动地海每座岛屿上每棵树木的每片叶子!
Every movement or transition should be invisibly prepared by half-halt. 所有的动作都要以看不到的半减却来准备。
Every movement towards it is progress and every movement away is regress. 每一个走向上主王国的步子就是进步,每一个偏离上主王国的步子就是退步。

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