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Note: In case of DC24V power supply for control circuit, the shunt circuit design according to the following diagram.

Note: If you have a white, or very light colored car you should use a dark piece of cotton cloth and look for the color of your car's finish on it after rubbing some paint cleaner or Cleaner/Wax into the finish for a few moments. 注意:如果你有一辆白色的或者颜色非常淡的车,你应该用一块黑色的棉花在漆面上试一下,在擦了几下之后,再用清洁蜡涂在漆面上停留一会儿。
Note: If you specify a starting page number in a booked document instead of selecting Automatic Page Numbering, the booked document will begin on the specified page; all subsequent documents in the book will be renumbered accordingly. 注意:如果你在要制版的文档里选定一个开始的页码而非选择“自动页码编号”的话,编号只会在选定的页码中进行;余下的文页会依此被重新编号。
Note: Improved Frost Nova has been removed. 注意:强化冰霜新星被移除。
Note: In CSS1 fonts are identified by a font name. If a browser does not support the specified font, it will use a default font. 注意:在CSS1中字体由字体名称识别。如果浏览器不支持指定的字体,它将用默认字体替换。
Note: In a named node map, the nodes are not returned in any particular order. 注意:在一个指定的节点映射中,节点不会以任何特定的顺序返回。
Note: In case of DC24V power supply for control circuit, the shunt circuit design according to the following diagram. 注:控制回路电源为DC24V时,推荐采用右图进行分励回路设计。
Note: In conjunction with Neurophone technology, this is a mechanism for remote interrogation/torture via satellite. 注:与脑听器技术联合,这是一种为通过卫星远程询问/折磨的机器。
Note: In order to maintain a high quality of printed ads, please send your ads sample or plan along with the bank payment to us before Jun. 10. 40% Additional charge will incur after Jun.20. 注:为保证广告按时发布及制作质量,客户应于2007年6月10日之前提供广告样稿,并将广告费一次付清,晚于6月20日提供样稿,增收加急费40%。
Note: In the DB mode, outline of thumbnails will turn red color, while that of thumbnails is blue color in the Tree mode. 注意:在DB模式中,边框显示红色,而在子目录中,边框显示蓝色.
Note: In the example above the XML processor will remove the tabs. 注意:在上述例子中,XML处理器会删除制表符。
Note: In the example above the XML processor will replace the tabs with spaces. 注意:上述案例中,XML处理器会使用空格符替代制表符。

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