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The great majority of American progressive were obsessed with a passion for domestic social and economic reform.

The great hit rewards and returns to Taipei to hold this year, the sponsor, in order to let the audience find everything fresh and new, except that the suitable person Miss S and Tao Jing Ying (pregnant woman's group) in charge of cooperating a few days a 今年的金曲奖将重回台北举行,主办单位为了让观众耳目一新,除日前传出主持搭档人选包括孕妇组的小S和陶晶莹,昨日则公布,已力邀久违的香港四大天王刘德华、郭富城、张学友、黎明共襄盛举,华仔也是主持人选之一,届时是否众星云集,备受期待。
The great instructions of Laozi are just as a the sound of waves which stirs a chord in the people's hearts. 老子的伟大教诲,犹如经久不息的涛声,时时拨动着人们心灵的和弦。
The great irony is that despite all his explanation nobody believed him. 最具讽刺意味的是:尽管他竭力解释,可没一个人相信他。
The great irony was that despite all his explanations nobody believed him. 最具讽刺意味的是:尽管他竭力解释,可没一个人相信他。
The great love needs to emit tremendous risk with outstanding achievement all. 伟大的爱和卓越的成就都需要冒极大的风险。
The great majority of American progressive were obsessed with a passion for domestic social and economic reform. 美国进步派的绝大多数沉溺于争取国内社会和经济改革的热情之中。
The great majority of studies have involved subjects with mild to moderate mental impairment, usually a diagnosis of early Alzheimer's. 绝大多数的研究,都以轻度到中度心智受损的人为受试对象,通常是诊断出患有早期阿兹海默症的病人。
The great majority of victims are female and as many as half are children and teenagers. 主要的受害者是妇女,另一半是儿童和未成年人。
The great majority returned home by the end of 1996, but between 60,000-80,000 still remained scattered throughout several neighboring states in 2004. 到1996年底,大多数人返回,但是到2004年仍有6至8万人散居在几个邻国。
The great man, Genghis Khan, only knew how to shoot eagles with an arrow. 一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。
The great mastermind behind masterpieces such as Winter Light,Personaand Cries and Whispersdied peacefully in his sleep on the Swedish island of Faro at the age of 89. 他的杰作包括《冬日之光》、《假面》和《哭泣与低语》等,这位杰作背后的大师于瑞典法罗岛在睡梦中安祥的辞世,享年89岁。

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