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A clear, thin broth made typically by simmering beef or chicken in water with seasonings.

A clear sky, on the other hand, might make even a half-moon have some effect. 如果是晴朗的填空,在另一方面,半月也可以有一些作用。
A clear softening and an increased flexibility of the tissue together with an improvement in blood flow led to good results. 结果显示疤痕组织显著软化、弹性和局部血流量增加。
A clear understanding of a firm's revenues, costs and debt would enhance the efficiency of China's companies—the avowed goal—as well as making it easier to attract foreign capital and to invest abroad. 透彻理解公司的收入、成本和债务将提升中国公司的效率---这一公开表示的目标---同时更容易吸引外来投资或者拓展海外。
A clear view of current situation and development trend in future are described. Planning the long-teem, while making decision at presentwould realize the prevention first instead of taking remedial measures after the accident occurred. 明确指出当前乃至今后交通安全的发展方向和趋势,规划长远、决策当前,彻底改变目前交通安全工作的事后处理状态,做到防患于未然。
A clear, hinged foot, perfect for easy maneuvering when sewing applique pieces. 透明的材质可清楚的看见车缝的位置,更容易调整方向,让您做出完美的绣花。
A clear, thin broth made typically by simmering beef or chicken in water with seasonings. 肉清汤一种在已加入调味料的水中煨牛肉或鸡肉而做的清淡的肉汤
A clearer recognition may be acquired by means of defining rhetoric. 由对修辞概念的界定入手,也许可以获得一个比较清晰的认识。
A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checks and drafts. 票据交换所是银行交换支票、汇票的地方。
A clearly confident China has rolled up a large section of its bamboo curtain, declared itself “open to the outside world” and hung signs on nearly all its cities inviting foreign investors to come and do serious business. 明显地,满怀信心的中国卷起了大部分的竹幕,并宣布向外部世界开放,打出邀请外国投资者来它所有的城市投资项目的招牌。
A clearly defined endodermis is seen in all roots and in the stems of the non seed-bearing vascular plants and some dicotyledons. 所有不产生种子的维管植物和一些双子叶植物的茎中都可以清楚的显示出这一结构。
A cleft graft, for example, requires a scion with several buds on it. 比如,其中一种是裂接,它要求接穗上有几个芽。

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