Results The prevalence of diabetes in smoking quitter was 7.8%,and it was .7% and .89% respectively in the nonsmoking and smoking for male. |
中文意思: 果 糖尿病患病率在男性戒烟者最高 ,为 7.8% ,正在吸烟者反而低于不吸烟者 ,分别为 .89%和 .7 % ; |
Results The pathogenesis of XGC was due to bile exudation to interstitial of cyst wall from reptured Rokilansky Aschoff sinus or mucosa ulcer.
果 XGC发病机理为胆汁从破裂的Rokitansky Aschoff窦或粘膜溃疡处渗至间质 ,产生炎症反应。 |
Results The positive cells for FⅧRAg were endothelial cells situated inside the vascular wall with abundant cytoplasm containing caveolae and Weibel palade bodies.
果 内皮细胞第八因子相关抗原 (FⅧRAg)表达阳性 ,胞质内含有特征性的Ⅷ因子小体 (Weibel paladebody)。 |
Results The positive hybridization was demons trated in cases of variant Ph CML and other 7 cases of standard Ph, respectively.
果 例变异型 Ph和 7例有标准型 Ph的 CML患者均为 bcr/abl融合基因阳性 ; |
Results The positive rate of TOX, RV, CMV, HSV and HPV B9 was .%, .%, .%, .% and 8.% respectively in gravida with early period. There were significant differences in the positive rate between the HPV B9-IgM and TORCHs (P< 0.0).
果 感染率分别为弓形体 . % ,风疹病毒 . % ,巨细胞病毒 . % ,单纯疱疹病毒 .% ,人细小病毒B9(HPVB9) 8.% ,其HPVB9 IgM抗体阳性率与TORCH各项相比 ,差异有极显著的统计学意义 (P <0 .0 )。 |
Results The positive rates of M antibodies were 97. % in PBC patients with high titers (7 .±.9 U/ml),.0% in other hepato biliary disease patients with low titer (.90± .U/ml), and all negative in normal controls (.0±. U/ml).
正常人均为阴性。 PBC患者M 抗体滴度为 (7 .± .9 )U/ml,较正常人 (.0± . )U /ml显著升高 (P <0 .0 ) ,其他肝胆系患者M 抗体滴度 ( .90± .)U/ml与正常人相比无显著差别 (P >0 .0 )。 |
Results The prevalence of diabetes in smoking quitter was 7.8%,and it was .7% and .89% respectively in the nonsmoking and smoking for male.
果 糖尿病患病率在男性戒烟者最高 ,为 7.8% ,正在吸烟者反而低于不吸烟者 ,分别为 .89%和 .7 % ; |
Results The rate of weak intelligence is .% in severe and moderate IDD areas,and JPB abnormal rate is 0.0% among them, as a result, the sub cretin rate is estimated to be about .9 %.
果 轻度弱智儿童中 JPB异常率高达 0 .0 0 % ,亚克汀患病率约为 .9 %。 |
Results The results demonstrated that at neoplasm margins of .0,0.,and 0cm, PCNA indices were 8.%, 7.7% and 0. % and DNA indices were 0.98 , .08 and . respectively.
果肿瘤边缘.0、0.、0cm处粘膜,PCNA指数分别为8.%、7.7%和0. %。 DNA指数分别为0.98、.08和. 。 |
Results The results showed that significant differences of hemorheological parameters were found between the two ends of the carotid artery,which illuminates that the new device,carotid artery filtrum can definitely protect brain.
果 发现颈动脉滤器置入后,远端和近端血液的流变学参数有显著性差异,说明此新型颈动脉滤器保护装置确实能起到对脑的保护作用。 |
Results The sensitivity of peripancreatic vascular invasion judged by MSCT and SSCT was 80.% ( /) and % (/0) respectively. The specificity was 9.7% (/) for MSCT and 9.% (7/ ) for SSCT respectively.
果 MSCT与SSCT判断胰腺癌侵犯胰周血管的敏感性分别为 80 . % ( / )及 % ( / 0 ) ,特异性分别为 9 .7% (/ )及 9 .% (7/ )。 |
Results The serum tHcy concentration was ( 0 ± 0) μmol·L - in ischemic stroke group and ( 9± 0) μmol·L - in normal control of the aged( P <0 0). The plasma foliate were lower in ischemic stroke.
果 组血tHcy水平不相同 ,脑梗死组 ( 0 ± 0 ) μmol·L-,正常老年人组为 ( 9± 0 ) μmol·L-,存在显著差异 (P <0 0 ) ; |