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Sincere congratulations on your son wedding please convey our best wish.

Since/from yesterday on,it rains on and off. 从昨天起就断断续续的下着雨。
Since1987, when the company went public, sales have nearly doubled, to$243 million last year. 自从1987年该公司股票上市以来,销售额几乎加倍,去年达到2亿4300万元。
Since1991, more and more countries have introduced the rules-based prompt corrective action regimes for financial institutions, which have usually been made up of trigger points, corrective actions and clear linkages between them. 自1991年以来,世界上越来越多的国家实行了以规则为基础的金融机构即时矫正制度。
Sincere and earnest——The director-general stopped his speech suddenly, and said with geniality and patience,if the comrades seated in the middle as quiet as the back played cards,then it's wouldn't disturb the asleep men in the front! 语重心长---正在作报告的某局长突然停止了讲话,他温和,耐心地说:如果坐在中间谈天的同志们,能像坐在后面玩牌同志们那样安静的话,前面睡觉的同志们就不会受到干扰了!
Sincere can reaches perpetuity,so we always according to zealous service attitude,high efficiency working,accurate quality criterion and perfect serving,win so many bussinessmen and manufacturers' accordant praise and canonization. 以诚信缔结永恒,所以我们一贯以热诚的服务态度,高效的工作进度,精湛的质量标准,完善的全程服务,广受诸多商家、厂家的好评和推崇。
Sincere congratulations on your son wedding please convey our best wish. 令郎喜结良缘谨此致以诚挚的祝贺并请转达最美好的祝愿。
Sincere felicitation on your completing the postgraduate course and receiving the doctorate of science. 衷心祝贺你修完研究生课程并获得理学博士学位。
Sincere friendship,the most precious gift you present me ,glitters like a bright star in the milk way of my life. 你给我的最珍贵的礼品——真诚的友情,在我生活的银河中,犹如一颗明亮的星星。
Sincere friendship,the most precious gift you present me,glitters like a bright star in the milky way of my life. 你给我的最珍贵的礼品---真诚的友情,在我生活的银河中,犹如一颗明亮的星星。
Sincere hope and friends from all walks of life cooperate, send the exhibition altogether. 真诚希望和各界朋友携手合作,共同发展!
Sincere remorse for wrongdoing; repentance. 悔罪对所犯过错的诚心悔恨;悔悟

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