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The Organization for Human Brain Mappingprovides an educational forum for the exchange of up-to-the-minute and ground-breaking research across modalities exploring human brain mapping.

The Organization Committee of XI World Scout Moot Mondial, Mexico 2000 invites all the associations of the World Scout Movement Organization (WSMO), as well as all national or international Non Government Organizations, UNO agencies, private organizations 墨西哥第11届世界罗浮大会的筹备委员,邀请「世界童军运动组织」中的各国童军总会、各个国内及国际性的非政府组织、联合国机构、私人组织及政府单位、青年团体、教育机构、及所有有兴趣在「地球村」展示其有关社区发展计划的团体。
The Organization as a Strategic Design. Pp. 12-26. 以策略设计观点来分析组织,第12-26页。
The Organization for Economic Cooperation, the West's leading economic think-tank, has stated that Britain will need to improve efficiency in the public sector, reduce traffic congestion problems and increase standards in education if it is to close the p 西方主要的经济智囊团——经济合作组织宣称,英国要想缩减其与美国在生产力上的差距,就需要提高公共部门的办事效率、减少交通堵塞问题、提高教育水平。
The Organization for Human Brain Mapping provides an educational forum for the exchange of up-to-the-minute and ground breaking research across modalities exploring Human Brain Mapping. 人脑定位组织提供教育性的讨论空间,使人得以交换最新资讯、发表各种最新人脑定位研究成果。
The Organization for Human Brain Mapping provides an educational forum for the exchange of up-to-the-minute and ground-breaking research across modalities exploring human brain mapping. 人类大脑图谱小组:提供一个公开讨论会,讨论跨形式的最新及突破性的大脑图谱研究。
The Organization for Human Brain Mappingprovides an educational forum for the exchange of up-to-the-minute and ground-breaking research across modalities exploring human brain mapping. 人脑成像组织提供了一个论坛,可以让探索人脑成像的不同领域研究者互相交换及时意见以及突破性的研究。
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an international organization of eleven developing countries that are dependent on crude oil exports for their national economies. 石油输出国组织(OPEC)是由11个依赖原油出口为国家经济的发展中国家组成的国际性组织。
The Organizer will pay an amount of compensation to each of the prequalified Participants (5) having submitted valid Instruments of Design as required, and additionally a money award to each of the 2-3 prize winners. 本次设计方案征集中,主办单位将向通过资格预审、按设计要求提交了有效设计方案的应征设计人(5个)支付一定数量的设计补偿金,同时设立优胜设计方案奖2-3名,并支付一定数量的奖金。
The Organizing Committee invites the producer and director of every finalist as representatives to attend the International Gold PandaAwards Ceremony. 组委会将邀请入围节目的制片人,导演作为代表出席金熊猫奖国际纪录片评选的颁奖仪式.
The Organizing Committee will reserve the right to adjust booths to guarantee the integral effect. 为保证展会整体布局效果,组委会保留对展位位置进行适当调整的权利。
The Organizing Committee will send 50000 letters of invitation and 100000 tickets to national manufacturers, distributors, agents, high-grade purchasers, terminal users and scientific research institute, design institute and professional association, etc. 组委会将派发5万份邀请函,10万张门票至全国机械、化工、电子、电器、冶金、锻压、船舶、通讯、家电、建材、汽车、摩托车、塑料、包装、医疗、模具、航空航天、造纸、纺织、环保、水利、电力、农业等相关工业领域的制造商、经销商、代理商、高级采购商、最终用户以及科研院所、设计院、专业协会等。

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