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A bird lighted on the branch.

A bird flying into the house was considered a sign of death. 过去,鸟飞进屋里被视力作死亡的征兆。
A bird hit my windshield, and I thought, so much for that bird. 一只小鸟撞上了汽车的挡风玻璃,当时我想,这只小鸟大概完蛋了。
A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。
A bird lear to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the proce is slow and hard once the critical stage has pa ed. 一只小鸟能在适当时机较快地学会鸣叫和飞翔,可是一旦关键阶段过去,学会鸣叫和―飞翔的过程就会缓慢而艰难。
A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed. 一只小鸟能在适当时机较快地学会鸣叫和飞翔,可是一旦关键阶段过去,学会鸣叫和—飞翔的过程就会缓慢而艰难。
A bird lighted on the branch. 一只鸟落在树枝上。
A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly. 一只不能飞的鸟是异常的。
A bird that eats insects, fruit, and seeds; stopped eating red meat on advice from her doctor. 习惯吃昆虫、水果和种子的鸟;她听医生的劝告停止吃红色肉类
A bird usually tucks its head under its wing when it sleeps. 鸟在休息时通常把头缩 进翅膀下.
A bird, such as the duck, goose, turkey, or pheasant, that is used as food or hunted as game. 禽鸟一种鸟,如鸭、鹅、火鸡或野鸡,用作食物或狩猎的猎物
A birdwas caught and was struggling to get free . 小鸟被捉并且奋力挣脱。

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