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Simulation of three jobbing sheet construction schemes of air duct structure in a certain subway station by FLAC~( D) program
FLAC~( D)模拟某地铁车站风道结构的三种中板方案

Simulation Study on Vehicle Pollutants Dispersion in Urban Street Canyon 城市街道峡谷机动车污染物扩散的模拟研究
Simulation and Optimization on Neutron Scattering Instruments at CARR 中国先进研究堆中子散射谱仪的模拟和优化研究
Simulation and numerical results are presented, showing that outrage probability of the adaptive system can be decreased - orders of magnitude. 仿真结果表明,应用该自适应调制和编码技术,可降低系统的中断概率达到 个数量级.
Simulation of Temperature Field of Copier Paper Based on Wavelet Finite Element Method 基于小波有限元方法的复印纸张温度场仿真研究
Simulation of the Dynamic Characteristics of Alveoli 肺泡的动态特性及模拟
Simulation of three jobbing sheet construction schemes of air duct structure in a certain subway station by FLAC~( D) program FLAC~( D)模拟某地铁车站风道结构的三种中板方案
Simultaneity,this paper introduces three methods of realization of data logger in an HLA federation. 同时 ,介绍了在HLA联邦中数据记录器的三种实现方法
Simultaneous Determination of Water-Soluble Vitamins C, B_, B_ and B_ in Almonds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography 高效液相色谱法同时测定扁桃仁中的水溶性维生素C,B_,B_和B_
Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Inorganic Multicom-ponent System by Matric Calculation——Determination of Copper and Cobalt with PAN. 用矩阵计算法同时分光光度测定无机多组分体系—PAN同时测定铜、钴
Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Ferrum and Cobalt with -Br-PADAP and Tween-80 Tween-80--Br-PADAP光度法同时测定微量铁和钴
Simultaneous Synthesis of Peptoid Containing N-Substituted-glycines Using the Multipin Method 利用多中心合成方法同步合成含N-取代甘氨酸的类肽化合物(英文)

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