S eries XZS vibrating Screens is the ideal equipment for continuous screening and discharging of powdery or granular materials of various fineness in pharmaceutical,chemical,foodstuff,and cosmetic industries.
XZS系列漩振筛是制药、化工、食品、化妆品等工业粗细不等粉状,颗粒物料连续过筛出料的理想设备。 |
S et The Pulverizer Set consists of GF30BZ TYPE Pulverizer and duster perfectly.Being adapted the vertical low raw material discharging equipment,it makes some raw materials with poor fluidity after broken can be dischanged unblocked and no the phenomenon
本粉碎机组由GF30B粉碎机的吸尘器有机结合起来,采用垂直下出料设备,使某些流动性较差的料粉碎后出料流畅机内无积粉现象。 |
S eth: Your civilization is in sad straits -- not because you have allowed spontaneity or fulfillment to individuals, but because you have denied it, and because your institutions are based upon that premise.
赛斯“你们的文明处在可悲的困境中--不是因为你们允许有个人的自发性或自我实现,而是因为你们拒绝它,并且你们是依据这个前提来建立制度的。 |
S eth: Your soul was not born yesterday, but before the annals of time as you think of time.
赛斯:“你的心灵并不是在昨天诞生的,而是在你们所有的计量时间的开始之前。 |
S eth: Your spirit joined itself with flesh, and in flesh, to experience a world of incredible richness, to help create a dimension of reality of colors and of form.
赛斯:“你们的精神将它加入肉体,通过肉体去经验一个具有难以置信的丰裕的世界,去帮助创造一个具有颜色和形式的实在的维度。 |
S faith and commitment HYPC strictly complies with the GMP in production process,quality assurance system is running based on the principle of Production system and supervision system run at the same time and verified each other,meanwhile, advanced instru
衡(氵育)制药严格按照药品生产质量管理规范(GMP)组织生产,产品质量保证体系采取生产系统与监督系统两条线并行而又相互审核的方式运行,同时依靠先进的检测仪器设备确保产品全优出厂,产品检验采用最新的药典标准。 |
S handong Huifeng Auction Corporation Ltd. is one that has been granted by the Trading Office of Shandong Government in the form of document [2002]17 and approved by the Police Office here; one that has been granted alicense specially by the Police Bureau
山东汇丰拍卖有限公司是山东省人民政府贸易办公室鲁政财市字[2002]17号文件批准,由山东省国资办颁发公物拍卖许可证,并经山东省公安厅同意,由济南市公安局核发特种行业许可证,在山东省工商局登记注册的拍卖有限责任公司。 |
S ince its establishment, under the correct leadership of the People's Government of Hebei as well as active support and common concern of all walks of life, Center for International Economic and Cultural Exchange, Hebei has organized and held a series of
河北省国际经济文化交流中心成立以来,在河北省人民政府的正确领导下,在社会各界的积极支持和共同关心下,组织和举办了一系列的国际性、区域性经济、文化交流活动,为促进我省的经济建设和改革开放做出了突出贡献,得到省人民政府的高度评价。 |
S is for saving. Saving is getting.
代表“节约”。节约等于收入。 |
S o we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.
就某种意义而言,今天我们是为了要求兑现诺言而汇集到我们国家的首都来的。 |
S o we have come to cash this check -- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.
我们来到这个圣地也是为了提醒美国,现在是非常急迫的时刻。 |