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She was strangled in her bed.

She was still dressed in her working clothes. 她还穿著工作服呢.
She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest. 就在她讲这话的时候,二位上了年纪的先生一瘸一拐地走到了柜台前,开始对着那排布丁兴致勃勃地仔细看了起来。
She was still too young to catch fish for herself. 她仍然太小﹐无法自己抓鱼.
She was still twisting about in pain. 她疼得一个劲儿地打滚.
She was stimulated into new efforts. 她受到鼓励,重新作出努力。
She was strangled in her bed. 她在她的床上被勒毙。
She was stricken in years when I met her. 我见她时,她已年老体衰。
She was strongly committed to her job, a policewoman by eminence. 她非常忠于职守,一位典型的(卓越的)女警察。
She was struggling under the weight of three suitcases. 她提著三个箱子, 步履维艰.
She was struggling under the weight of three suitcases. 她提著三个箱子,步履维艰.
She was studying to build up her algebra. 她在学习以提高自己的代数水平。

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