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A:Could you tell me where the garage is?

A:Can you tell me where the library /dinning hall /schoolmaster's office is? 你能告诉我图书馆/餐厅/校长办公室在哪里吗?
A:Certainly. But we only have distilled water and there will be a charge. There will be complimentary coffee or tea after your meal. 当然可以。但我们只有蒸馏水而且是要收费的。餐后会奉送咖啡或茶。
A:Come on! It's PE class now. Hurry up! 艾伦:快点啊!现在是体育课,快点!
A:Congratulation on your wedding, Rose. 罗斯,祝你新婚幸福!
A:Could you reduce your wholesale price? Financial crisis in the Southeast Asia decreased my purchasing power. 你可不可以降低批发价,你知道东南亚经济危机给我们带来了很大的压力。
A:Could you tell me where the garage is? 能告诉我汽车维修厂在哪里吗?
A:Daring, what kind of color TV do you like best? 亲爱的,你最喜欢哪种彩电?
A:David is good at tennis. 大卫很擅长网球。
A:Dick came first in the speech contest. 迪克在演讲比赛中得了第一名。
A:Did Johnny break up with Helen? 约翰尼跟海伦分了手吗?
A:Do not worry!Let us make a detour. 别担心。让我们绕道走吧。

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