Adorned in frost sprinkled gowns the colour of sunrise, the Fairies of Time, translucent and so dazzling that they set the sky ablaze, prepare to enchant the evening with a stunningly beautiful vision.
霜雾缭绕的长缕泛出拂晓的色彩,半透明而熠熠发光,时间仙女的倩影令天空蓬荜生辉,那勾魂摄魄的美丽身姿还让暗夜着了魔。 |
Adorno's aesthetic possesses an important position in the history of western aesthetics.
摘要阿多尔诺的美学思想在西方美学史上具有重要的地位。 |
Adorno's critique of culture industry is based on the idea of an egalitarian dialectics between spiritual and material culture, reason and sensibility, mind and impulse.
阿多诺对文化工业的批判,便从精神文化与物质文化、理性与感性、精神与冲动的平等辩证出发。 |
Adoxphyes orana occurred for 6 generations annually in Fuzhou, Fujian, it occurred by generations, the old and adult larvae overwintered by producing cocoon and turning into pupa in the bark crack and litter.
摘要橄榄黄小卷叶蛾在福建福州地区年发生6代,世代重叠,以老熟幼虫在树皮裂缝和枯枝落叶中结茧化蛹越冬。 |
Adpt company grow albumen yellow powder insect with meticulous care, become with meticulous care by the all technique expert, the egg white quality content is up to 60%, implying abundant amino acids and to the human body bendficial other nourishment Comp
采用我公司精心培育高蛋白黄粉虫,经我公司高技术专家精心研制加工而成,蛋白质量含量高达60%,含有丰富的氨基酸和对人体有益的其他营养成分,本产品适合添加各种米面,水饺馅、月饼、调味品、面条、锅巴、面包、糖果、糕点和各种饼干中。 |
Adree, an Australian citizen who returned to Kuwait three years ago, faced charges of joining a terrorist organisation and handling weapons and explosives.
澳大利亚公民阿得里于三年前返回科威特,现在面对着加入恐怖分子组织并负责武器及炸药的指控。 |
Adrenal cortical adenoma remoed from a 35 year old male who presented with Cushing's Syndrome. The tumor is bright yellow and grossly resembles zona fasciculata seen in the specimen.
这幅肾上腺皮质腺瘤的图片来自一个35岁有库兴氏综合征表现的男性。在标本中肿瘤呈明黄色并且类似松散的束状带。 |
Adrenal myelolipomas are benign, rare, and hormonally inactive tumors.
摘要肾上腺肌肉脂肪瘤是一种良性、少见和无贺尔蒙活性的肿瘤。 |
Adrenal weakness can cause estrogen dominance in females, causing deterioration of the bones.
虚弱的肾上腺会引致女性雌激素过多,引致骨骼退化。 |
Adrenaline also tells your body to dump some of its glucose stores into your blood.
最初尼古丁引起肾上腺素的快速释放,产生“打架或逃跑”激素。 |
Adrenchyma A plant tissue containing large intercellular air spaces, usually formed as a consequence of the death of parenchyma cells.
通气组织:具有大量细胞间隙的薄壁组织,在水生植物和湿生植物中,此类组织特别发达。 |