Yet only one (in 1966-69) has been a grand coalition, and it was a disappointment.
然而仅有一个(1966-1969)年政府是大联合政府,而这颇让人失望。 |
Yet only two days earlier, the same free-trading Bush administration slapped tariffs of up to 20% on imports of glossy paper from China, after an American firm complained that its Chinese competitors got unfair subsidies through cheap loans.
然而就在两天前,同样的布什自由贸易政府对进口来自中国的铜版纸征收20%关税,因为美国公司抱怨中国竞争者通过低息贷款获得了不公平的补贴。 |
Yet other expressions of magic lie in the old neighborhoods close to the docks.
其他的魅力印象来源于靠近码头的老社区。 |
Yet others condemn them if they want to be traditional homemakers.
同样,如果她们想做家庭主妇,也会遭受一些人批评。 |
Yet others emerge into the dance of a leadership role guiding others either small or large in number in alignment with the truth - in - action that each may so hold.
会由其他人进入领导阶层的舞蹈,领导或多或少数量的他人与每一个可能所维系的行动真相结盟。 |
Yet others without knowing these methods engage in worship by hearing from others; verily they becoming established from listening also transcend the transmigration of death.
不懂得这些方法的其他人,专心从事礼拜,听他人讲解,从听经的过程中,他们的真心自性也真的会确立起来,从而也会超越死亡的轮回。 |
Yet our efforts since the attacks of 9/11 have been guided by three important lessons learned when free peoples twice defeated totalitarianism in the last century.
自从911袭击以来,我们就以从上个世纪两次打败极权主义的战争中获取的三个教训为原则,指导我们的行动。 |
Yet over the past year, a staggering three-fifths of the world's broad money-supply growth has flowed from emerging economies.
但是在过去一年里,令人刮目相看的是世界上五分之三的货币总供应增长是由新兴经济所提供的。 |
Yet paradoxically, as some companies batten down the hatches, other firms have found ways of making money by opening up their treasure-chest of innovation and sharing it with others.
然而奇怪的事情发生了,正在很多企业把专利技术看得严严实实的时候,另外一些企业却通过洞开锦囊、共享发明,大获其利。 |
Yet people didn't make the crossing until about 14,000 years ago, according to archaeological and genetic evidence.
然而,考古学和遗传学证据表明,人类直到1万四千万年前才穿越这片土地。 |
Yet people who disapprove of using animals to conduct medical research still contribute to it through the federal taxes they pay.
然而那些反对用动物进行医学研究的人还在通过支付联邦税款为之出钱。 |