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Wicked King Miraz plans to conquer Narnia, forcing the rightful heir Prince Caspian to flee.

Wich the help of his teacher and classmates, Peter has made good progress. 在老师和同学帮助下,彼得取得很大进步。
Wich transport and communication lines extended in all directions, Duhang Industrial Zones must be a golden place attracts investor. 随着徐浦大桥和沿浦快速干道即将竣工,杜行工业开发区必定成为一个黄金宝地,吸引众多的中外企业,到开发区投资立业。
Wichita State University is a comprehensive, national university offering over 110 bachelors, masters and PhD programs. 学校提供学生超过110个主修科目,包括有学士、硕士及博士课程。新生报到时,本校有最周到的服务。
Wichita State offers nationally ranked engineering programs. 学校的工程课程名列美国大学名科系排行榜之一。
Wick: It takes a lot of people to make a coliseum. 成功需要众人的共同努力,然而失败只需一两个人的捣乱。
Wicked King Miraz plans to conquer Narnia, forcing the rightful heir Prince Caspian to flee. 弑兄夺位的魔士国王计划完全侵占纳尼亚,迫使前国王的王子加彼恩王子为保命而出逃。
Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love. 坏人服从出于怕,好人服从出于爱。
Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited. 恶有恶报。
Wickedness is in the midst thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streets. 诗55:11邪恶在其中、欺压和诡诈不离街市。
Wickham; and nothing less than a dance on Tuesday, could have made such a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday endurable to Kitty and Lydia. 总算下星期二有个跳舞会,这才使吉蒂和丽迪雅熬过了星期五,星期六,星期日和星期一。
Wide application and is indispensable for a lot of fields besides washing and dyeing. 使用範围广阔,是工商洗染业以外众多行业不可缺少之产品。

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